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Math Technology

In Calculator Arms Race, Casio Fires Back: Color Touchscreen ClassPad 170

KermMartian writes "In what seems to be an accelerating arms race for graphing calculator supremacy between Texas Instruments and Casio, the underdog Casio has fired a return salvo to the recently-announced TI-84 Plus C Silver Edition. The new ClassPad fx-CP400 has a massive color touchscreen and a Matlab-esque CAS. Though not accepted on the SAT/ACT, will such a powerful device gain a strong following among engineers and professionals?"
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In Calculator Arms Race, Casio Fires Back: Color Touchscreen ClassPad

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  • Third world (Score:5, Interesting)

    by Kupfernigk ( 1190345 ) on Friday November 30, 2012 @06:53AM (#42139995)
    Long battery life and run on batteries you can buy from street vendors?

    An awful lot of people live in the 3rd world. Why does Blackberry still sell well in Nigeria? Long battery life and easily replaceable batteries, along with low use of wireless data. These things are still major issues for an awful lot of people. North Americans have to get over the idea that everything has to be useful to them to have a point.

They are relatively good but absolutely terrible. -- Alan Kay, commenting on Apollos
