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Medicine Science

Scientists Create Artificial Bones From Wood 138

steve_thatguy writes "According to Discovery News, Italian scientists have made artificial bone from wood. Created by blasting wood blocks with heat until they are nearly pure carbon then coating them with calcium, the scientists say the material allows bones to heal faster and more securely. Unlike titanium, the wood-based artificial bones flex slightly much like real bone, and the porous nature of the wood allows for better bio-activity with surrounding tissue. Though human testing is still likely years away, the material is currently being used successfully in sheep and may have other industrial applications."
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Scientists Create Artificial Bones From Wood

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  • Re:Wood Rot? (Score:3, Insightful)

    by sbeckstead ( 555647 ) on Monday August 10, 2009 @06:02PM (#29016785) Homepage Journal
    Nearly pure carbon and calcium are probably not something that your immune system worries about. Since neither are really bio-active. There is a game in which units of wood can be traded for units of sheep. This leads to the cry during the trading part of the game "Wood for Sheep!" This gives that a whole new meaning and one we can't snicker at any more.

Organic chemistry is the chemistry of carbon compounds. Biochemistry is the study of carbon compounds that crawl. -- Mike Adams
