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Toys Science

Build Your Own Lava Lamp 197

Manip writes "My new project: 'The difficult part about making your own liquid motion lamp is, of course, the motion. We won't go into the lamp base too much. The store-bought ones use a 40w appliance bulb in a metal housing which directs the heat to the underside of the glass container. If you're making your own base, we recommend installing a dimmer switch so that you can control your heat output.'"
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Build Your Own Lava Lamp

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  • Re:Fun projects (Score:4, Insightful)

    by josh crawley ( 537561 ) on Friday August 29, 2003 @11:06PM (#6830830)
    Now if we could only build our own plasma globes too...

    You can... flyback transformer from a television, some steel wool, and a glass globe. Maybe a handful of other Radio-Shack components and wires. The toughest part is finding a suitable globe, evacuating the air from it, and filling it with gas to make the color you want, but it can be done with mostly off-the-shelf stuff.
  • by meowsqueak ( 599208 ) on Friday August 29, 2003 @11:34PM (#6830932) because they were found to be responsible for numerous house fires. I suspect the modern ones are far safer than those made in the 1970's, but I'd expect a home-made one to be potentially quite dangerous.

    So I guess /. is the right place for it! :)

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