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Ebola + HIV = Great Gene Therapy? 23

Artifice_Eternity writes: "This NY Times article describes a new gene therapy technique, built from two of the most feared diseases known to humankind. The Ebola and HIV virii each possess qualities that are useful in getting new genes into the body, to replace defective ones. Researchers at the University of Pennsylvania's Institute for Human Gene Therapy have snipped out bits from each virus, and successfully used their hybrid virus to deliver a marker gene to mice, by spraying it into their respiratory tracts. This could prove useful in treating cystic fibrosis and other genetically-caused lung diseases. Here's the IHGT's own page on the project. But: here's a Washington Post article from March on the same topic, featuring skeptical comments from Dr. Robert Gallo, co-discoverer of HIV. Gallo fears that such a hybrid could potentially combine with 'wild HIV' to produce a new contagion (airborne HIV, anyone? *cough*)."
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Ebola + HIV = Great Gene Therapy?

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  • by Ieshan ( 409693 ) <ieshan@@@gmail...com> on Monday December 10, 2001 @12:10PM (#2682256) Homepage Journal
    Does anyone remember when Restriction Enzymes were all the rage in molecular biology (which wasn't really even a field back then)?

    They were actually banned in Cambridge, MA (home of Harvard and MIT) during the 70s, and now they are used in my Biology Lab courses to teach us how DNA seperates in agarose gel electrophoresis.

    Point being: Don't jump to stupid conclusions about the dangers of things.
  • Get real all..... (Score:3, Insightful)

    by jsimon12 ( 207119 ) on Monday December 10, 2001 @01:45PM (#2682786) Homepage
    These aren't mad scientists playing frankenstien people. Geesh, I would have figured at least /. types would have enough sense and education to not be drawn into the regular moronic hysteria.

    As for the polio/AIDS bit, they did tests on some old frozen blood/tissue samples and found no link, so that whole connection is unfounded. More then likely AIDS was either around for a long time and didn't become prevelant till people could travel great distances quickly (lets be honest, would have been pretty easy to confuse with consumpltion/TB back in the "old days") or AIDS was a simian virus that made the jump to humans at some point (we are all primates).

    So all and all, lets calm down, this will not turn into 12 monkeys, if anything it should bring a lot of really sick kids some hope (Cystic Fibrosis), or will we let our hysteria ruin any chance of that?

"The one charm of marriage is that it makes a life of deception a neccessity." - Oscar Wilde
