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Science Technology

U.S. Navy Building "Macross"? 34

Sang Woo Han writes: "It seems that the US Navy is planning on building a floating structure a mile long called the Joint Mobile Offshore Base (JMOB). Featured on MIT's Technology Review, the article explains in detail not only about the JMOB, but plans to build other structures such as ports, airports, and even a floating city. Now all we need is for a couple of giant humanoid aliens to show up and we start beating them up in Valkyrie fighters. (And who'll be our Lynn Min Mei, then?)" Zhang Ziyi, if it can be arranged, please.
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U.S. Navy Building "Macross"?

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  • Stress (Score:2, Interesting)

    by lavaforge ( 245529 ) on Monday August 13, 2001 @05:31PM (#2122784)
    I read the article, and I still have one question: How does a ship this size attain the structural rigidity to keep from deforming under it's own weight? I have this image of the entire ship squishing like some kind of cartoon.

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