Blue Crab Nanosensor to Fight Terrorism 106
Roland Piquepaille writes "A substance found in crab shells called chitosan has very useful properties. For example, it has been used in bandages to stop bleeding. But now, researchers at the University of Maryland have used the chitosan from blue crabs living in Chesapeake Bay as a component of a nanoscale sensor system which could save many lives in the future. These blue crab nanosensors will be used to improve security in airports, hospitals and other public locations by detecting tiny amounts of explosives or chemicals in air and water. Read on for additional references and pictures of these blue crab nanosensors."
Fights Terrorists, Not Terrorism (Score:5, Insightful)
Re:Fights Terrorists, Not Terrorism (Score:1)
Re:Fights Terrorists, Not Terrorism (Score:3, Interesting)
On the other hand, maybe this is the only way to get the government interested in saving the Chesepeake Bay ecosystem.
Re:Fights Terrorists, Not Terrorism (Score:2)
Don't worry...we've got TONS of blue crabs down here around the Gulf in Louisiana!!
See? Good reason to help us get our coast back into shape which were sacrificed in large part to the immense oil and gas pipelines cut from the gulf into our marshlands to shore.
We not only help the country out with aobut 1/3 of its fuel...but, also, our crabs can help fi
Re:Fights Terrorists, Not Terrorism (Score:4, Interesting)
What do you bet the end result of this is going to be nothing more than a shitload of innocent people getting put on "The List" because of false positives?
There's such a thing as over measurement.
Re:Fights Terrorists, Not Terrorism (Score:2)
Why do I keep remembering statistics about how many dollar bills have traces of cocaine...
Re:Fights Terrorists, Not Terrorism (Score:1)
considering the origin of the information, I wonder if they'll call it "The Crab List". Nobody deserves that.
Re:Fights Terrorists, Not Terrorism (Score:2)
Re:Fights Terrorists, Not Terrorism (Score:1)
Re:Fights Terrorists, Not Terrorism (Score:2)
More light can be found in The Mass Psychology of Fascism" [], by Wilhelm Reich in 1933.
Re:Fights Terrorists, Not Terrorism (Score:2)
Um, yeah, well.. anyway... I'm all for better bomb-detecting sensors.
Re:Fights Terrorists, Not Terrorism (Score:2)
Re:Fights Terrorists, Not Terrorism (Score:2)
Re:Fights Terrorists, Not Terrorism (Score:5, Insightful)
Ever wonder why they call it terrorism instead of mass-murder? 9-11 did a lot more damage than car crashes. The gubment's handling of terrorism is questionable, but the prioritization of it over car crashes is not nearly as black and white. Anti-terrorism (The intent, I mean, not 'The War Against Terror'...) is about more than just the saving of lives. Think about what the first week after 9-11 was like, then think about the year that followed. The fear, paranoia, and hardships that followed were incalcuable. There's a reason it's not swept under the rug until car crashes are dealt with. Think about it.
IBM Onboard (Score:1, Funny)
Re:Fights Terrorists, Not Terrorism (Score:3, Insightful)
Look, I travelled every day to go to class on one of the lines where a train blew up in Madrid, only fortunately in the afternoon instead of the morning. I had a friend personally present there, and a classmate of mine died there.
But you know what I did next day? I went to class just like everybody else. I certainly wasn't demanding useless measures to be taken to protect me against something against which no protection is possible, and neither was most of the country.
As a m
Re:Fights Terrorists, Not Terrorism (Score:3, Informative)
Re:Fights Terrorists, Not Terrorism (Score:2)
You have seen video of the collapses, right?
Re:Fights Terrorists, Not Terrorism (Score:2)
If gravity can make mortally wounded, wildfire-weakened skyscrapers collapse, the terrorists have already won.
Re:Fights Terrorists, Not Terrorism (Score:2)
Re:Fights Terrorists, Not Terrorism (Score:2)
We've had enough of you bigots winning for a while. Try redirecting your quivering antennae at the Bush government that is actually killing people every day, and try to earn back some humanity and respect.
Re:Fights Terrorists, Not Terrorism (Score:2)
I'm speaking of the "Zionism" concept of an Israeli state. I've not read the protocols of the elders of zion nor do I care about one ethnic group's attacks on another. You all stink the same to me.
Also, I am not a bigot, I am a misanthrope; the difference, in affection, may be subtle, and that's ok.
While I
Re:Fights Terrorists, Not Terrorism (Score:2)
Re:Fights Terrorists, Not Terrorism (Score:2)
Re:Fights Terrorists, Not Terrorism (Score:2)
Because it serves a much greater political purpose for the people in power than car crashes ever could?
Re:Fights Terrorists, Not Terrorism (Score:2)
Speed cameras have not been proven to reduce speed and prevent crashes (except perhaps initially in the short term), they just make money for the local government... a cash cow. Having real police or traffic enforcement out there to enforce the speed limit does. Also, in every place I have lived (four provinces in Canada and three states in the U.S.A., you didn't loose points on your license for photo radar tickets (since they can't prove you were driving your car), only for tickets issued when an enforc
Re:Fights Terrorists, Not Terrorism (Score:4, Insightful)
On the other hand, I'm not all that convinced that these new security measures are really doing that much to make things like air travel safer. I know someone who accidentally took firecrackers in his pocket on an flight across the US once (after 9/11). The security people x-rayed and felt through all of his on-person possessions, but so much junk had accumulated in his pockets that they did not notice the presence of explosives.
Re:Fights Terrorists, Not Terrorism (Score:2)
Date of the flight? 9/14/01.
Re:Fights Terrorists, Not Terrorism (Score:2) ogix?pnlid=9&famid=5131&catid=562&id=end_wt&lang=e n_US []
Hmm, I didn't realize it also detected drugs. They never mentioned
Re:Fights Terrorists, Not Terrorism (Score:1)
Re:Fights Terrorists, Not Terrorism (Score:1)
Only the guilty have anything to fear, this is for your own good. What? Yes, that is a 55-gallon barrel of anal grease. If you're a patriotic American, you should have no complaint. Besides, you should overcome your petty s
Re:Fights Terrorists, Not Terrorism (Score:2)
Re:Fights Terrorists, Not Terrorism (Score:1)
On the contrary, the more power you allow your militaristic rulers to assume the more they will use it against you. Have you been living in a cave for the last 5 years? You haven't noticed that Bush has used his self-proclaimed "war powers" to encroach on the civil rights on US citizens?
Also, your "fuck the world but leave us Americans alone please" attitude is not just naive, it actu
Re:Fights Terrorists, Not Terrorism (Score:2)
The more you fight terrorists with war, the more terror you make. And the more police state you make from the opportunists in our government who need terrorism to justify the police state that warmongers
Not to mention tasty (Score:1, Flamebait)
Forbidden by Christians? (Score:1)
Re:Forbidden by Christians? (Score:3, Informative)
Crabs and other shellfish, as well as fish without scales, are not kosher as defined in Leviticus, which is a book in the Old Testament and thus the Bible. Christians generally don't follow the rules of Leviticus, but Jews do to varying degrees.
Re:Forbidden by Christians? (Score:1)
Comment removed (Score:5, Funny)
but... (Score:3, Funny)
Re:but... (Score:2)
At the airport, I saw a guardsman reporting for duty. I was glad to see he had to go through the same procedures we do: He had to place all metal items in the X-Ray, remove his boots and step through. They even confiscated the pocket knife he was carrying... Then, on the secure side of the scanners, they handed him back his assault rifle.
Re:And another species goes extinct... (Score:2, Insightful)
Re:And another species goes extinct... (Score:1)
Sure, we're safe... (Score:3, Funny)
Re:Sure, we're safe... (Score:1)
Re:Sure, we're safe... (Score:1)
No Entry! (Score:2, Funny)
Firearms, explosives, flammable liquids, radioactive materials, poisons, knives, and persons allergic to shellfish not allowed beyond this point.
necessity is the mother of invention? (Score:4, Interesting)
These blue crab nanosensors will be used to improve security in airports, hospitals and other public locations by detecting tiny amounts of explosives or chemicals in air and water.
Because after all, we've had such a huge problem with explosives and "chemicals" in airports, hospitals, and "other public locations"...
Re:necessity is the mother of invention? (Score:2)
We have security guards checking the bags of every person entering almost any store, restaurant or other public facility.
If you could mount one of those sensors at the door of a bus, it would probably make a big difference.
Re:necessity is the mother of invention? (Score:2)
Re:necessity is the mother of invention? (Score:2)
You don't just walk into a store around here.
There's a scurity guard between you and the door.
If the suicide bomber trys to run in he's likely to be shot, or the guard might block him and risk death (which has happened).
The most common scenario is of a suicide bomber entering a restaurant or getting on a bus and exploding, and i think in those cases this sensor could help, if only by making the security guard's check of people's bags more thorough.
Chemicals! (Score:1)
RIIIIIDGE RACER (Score:2, Funny)
You can also visit the no. 1 GEC music site [], or watch a brief documentary [] on their importance in japanese history.
Alright, I get it. I'm imagining things.
"Could" (Score:1, Insightful)
Ah yes, "could" - what a wonderful word. It "could" be that bad people will be tortured for all eternity after they die. Or, it "could" be that good people will be tortured for all eternity after they die.
"Could" is a word of so many possibilities. It is totaly unlike its lesser cousin, the word "will", - as in "Thousands of people will die of poverty in the next few hours". Yes, let's focus on what
Re:"Could" (Score:2, Funny)
Have faith.
Re:"Could" (Score:2)
Use common sense.
Re:"Could" (Score:1)
I'm not that stupid.
Re:Recognizes chemicals (Score:1)
Nanosensors? (Score:2, Funny)
diet supplement (Score:2, Informative) []
Someday, we'll have really fat terrorists because of this.
Re:diet supplement (Score:1)
Funny Story (Score:5, Insightful)
A funny example is an industrial town I fly to on a regular basis. Most of the people work in the mines, where explosives can be a common part of many poeples jobs. When explosives traces are regularly detected at the airport explosives scan, their first question is "Have you been on a mine site recently?" Obviously 99% of people say yes, and are let through without question.
What is the point? We're running around banning knitting needles and letter openers and it makes no fucking difference.
Re:Funny Story (Score:2, Funny)
Sweaters can cause itch and afghans kill.
Re:Funny Story (Score:2)
Does anyone know when the last time explosives were actually set off on a plane?
All for terrorism! (Score:1)
Somehow it seems every scientist doing research in the us has to find a use for his research in "fighting terrorism" when he wants to get money.
Even the ones researching crabs and other small animals!
Re:All for terrorism! (Score:1)
Spice is life (Score:2)
Re:Spice is life (Score:1)
Save us from what?? (Score:2, Interesting)
Cool... (Score:2, Insightful)
Isn't exactly a new idea.... (Score:1)
And the magicians will catch hell... (Score:1)
Been there. Had it happen to ME.
After MacWorld a couple of years ago, in New York, the crack TSA troops manning the perimeter didn't understand the cards and nerf balls in my carry on were part of a MAGIC ACT and I wound up splattered up against a wall with a National Guardsman's M-16 shoved up my left nostril, with the Safety OFF!
I am SO not looking forward to this!
Lee Darrow, C.H.
Magician and Hypn
Easy hack to defeat... (Score:1)
Re:Easy hack to defeat... (Score:3, Funny)
TSA is a mindset we don't want (Score:5, Informative)
I used to take my dog -- a Newfoundland -- in to the airport to pick people up. The baggage claim at our local airport basically lets people get dogs off their leashes after a flight, and according to the local cops it was okay. Never had a cross word from anyone; I wasn't inflicting too many more allergens on anyone, I hoped, and mostly we got a lot of good socialization when she was a puppy. At least some people seemed to get a wake-up in the middle of their exhausting travel day.
One day a TSA employee caught sight of us. A squad of four of them surrounded me, quietly preventing me from moving away as one lectured me on all the potential dreadful consequences should they decide to enforce their vaguely-defined regulations. I tried to ask after the specific laws or airport restrictions involved. There probably were some -- I'd always assumed the cops were just being smart about what to enforce and what not to -- but it was clear that the TSA guys were entirely motivated by that obnoxious self-righteousness I recognize from birding near power plants. You know, the one that comes with private security agencies taking themselves too seriously and not having clear "boundaries," so that they end up thinking their job is to harass people. Said people are to be presumed guilty, of course.
End result was me feeling intimidated, which seemed to be the goal. Those guys were a hybrid between hallway monitors and the bullies from your middle school.
Somehow the local cops had always managed to keep me in line, and to prevent potential terrorist attacks by Newfoundland drool and shedding, without any ill will. If one of them had brought this up with me I'd have taken it a lot differently...
In related news: radioactive spiders (Score:1)
Nothing fights terrorism like Justice (Score:1, Troll)
Macro Sensors (Score:1)
So crabs will be used... (Score:2)
Blah blah terrorism blah (Score:2)
They can detect organic compounds? Then the major use of this technology will be to detect THC []. It'll be used in airports, then by cops in traffic stops, then in schools, then in your workplace.
The only place you'll never, ever see it being used for that purpose is a government building housing elected members.
False Positives (Score:1)
But can they detect the individual components of 2-component explosives? Like, say, Potassium Perchlorate carried by one passenger and Aluminum or Magnesium powder carried by another? When mixed together in the correct proportions (no, I'm not going to tell you what they are), they will produce a crude but quite deadly explosive. Problem is that there are a thousand reasons why a person might legitimately be carrying traces of these components. Suddenly, you're going to have miners, janitors, gardeners, che
Chemicals? (Score:2)
Oh no! Not chemicals! Protect the children!
I'm just kind of reactionary when people talk about "chemicals" as if they were always a bad thing. I know in this case they're probably referring to particularly nasty chemicals like nerve gas etc. but it still bugs me. And, of course, I can't be bothered to rtfa.