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Portables Hardware Science

Laptops May Be Hazardous to Your Fertility 687

Spy der Mann writes "Researchers find that men who place portable computers on their laps are inadvertently raising the temperature of their scrotums -- and possibly damaging their sperm. Guess laptops should get a namechange soon... before our fertility does."
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Laptops May Be Hazardous to Your Fertility

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  • by jawtheshark ( 198669 ) * <slashdot@ j a w t> on Thursday December 09, 2004 @09:51AM (#11041338) Homepage Journal
    We're slashdotters after all. The only way to get sex is either paying for it or we take matters into our own hands. In either case fertility doesn't matter.
    • I have a good excuse to cancel that vasectomy.
    • by synthespian ( 563437 ) on Thursday December 09, 2004 @10:14AM (#11041571)
      He uses a laptop.
    • On a serious note, I've hear this before, and I think it is overblown.

      Those of us who enjoy hot baths or jacuzzi's should have the same problem, as well as those of us who go to the beach in black bathing suits, etc, etc.

      Unless one spends a REALLY, REALLY long time with the laptop literally burning their crotch, they will not have a problem.

      That area of the body goes through heat/cool variations through a regular lifestyle.

      I opine that the only people who would be effected by this "laptop effect", a

  • by Overzeetop ( 214511 ) on Thursday December 09, 2004 @09:51AM (#11041339) Journal
    I like having a good ball-warmer on those cold winter nights. It's just not usually my computer.

    • by tangledweb ( 134818 ) on Thursday December 09, 2004 @09:59AM (#11041415)
      I think you might see an increase in sales of those watercooled cpu heatsinks that overclockers love.

      A warning though, the first time I see a casemod that includes a scrotum reported on slashdot, I will never read it again.
      • by MacGod ( 320762 ) on Thursday December 09, 2004 @11:58AM (#11042542)
        Yikes! For a second there, I thought you said "I think you might see an increase in sales of those watercooled cpu heatsinks that overcockers love."

        Without the l in overclockers, the sentence takes on a whole new, very disturbing, meaning; albeit one not entirely inappropriate to a discussion of fertility.
  • DUH! (Score:4, Informative)

    by OmniVector ( 569062 ) <see my RASPhomepage minus berry> on Thursday December 09, 2004 @09:51AM (#11041340) Homepage
    is this really such a surprise []???
  • living in centrally heated houses, wearing tight fitting underwear and trousers, etc, exactly how?

    as they all raise the temperature of your nuts.
  • by TechnicalThug ( 799854 ) on Thursday December 09, 2004 @09:53AM (#11041349)
    Too many humans, not enough Laptops!
  • Genomics was the study of genomes, or all the DNA of an organism. Proteomics was the study of the proteome, or all the proteins produced by an organism. After this study, can we expect to see scroteomics?
  • by KrancHammer ( 416371 ) <GunseMatt@hMENCK ... com minus author> on Thursday December 09, 2004 @09:54AM (#11041359)
    I think laptops should be distributed free of charge to all male participants in day-time talk shows, reality shows, "dating" shows, and all MTV reality based programming.

  • by TrollBridge ( 550878 ) on Thursday December 09, 2004 @09:54AM (#11041360) Homepage Journal
    IIRC, that's the first time the word "scrotum" has appeared in the front-page headlines. Congratulations, Slashdot, on a new milestone!
  • So is an iron... (Score:3, Informative)

    by toupsie ( 88295 ) on Thursday December 09, 2004 @09:54AM (#11041367) Homepage
    Did you know that if you leave a hot iron on your crotch and press the steam button, its bad for your fertility? Strange but true.

    The only thing this article didn't discuss was it good for a woman to use a laptop? Should I encourage my wife to strap a powerbook to her punany?

    • by Lonesome Squash ( 676652 ) on Thursday December 09, 2004 @10:20AM (#11041624)
      Did you know that if you leave a hot iron on your crotch and press the steam button, it's bad for your fertility?

      So THAT'S what I'm doing wrong!

      I ironed my nipple once -- nothing kinky, I was in a hurry trying to get ready for work. It was an amazing experience for several reasons. One, it was a truly profound kind of pain. I've felt things that hurt worse, but this hurt right down to the soles of my feet.

      Two, and I am not kidding here, my nipple was really flat for a long time afterwards. My friends used to ask to see it once in a while so they could marvel and mock.

      It also led immediately to one of the more frustrating experiences of my life. I had just burned myself. Like a good little scout, I immediately tried to run cold water on it. I ran over to the sink, turned on the water, and stood there stupidly, thinking, "How the hell am I going to get my nipple under that faucet!" At that point, my wife, who had heard me yelling and cursing, asked what was wrong, and I told her I had burned myself. She called in helpfully, "Run it under cold water."

      She really didn't deserve being cursed out like that. I don't know what the experience did to my fertility, but I know what it did to my ability to mate.

  • That's ok (Score:5, Funny)

    by yack0 ( 2832 ) <> on Thursday December 09, 2004 @09:54AM (#11041369) Homepage
    With two kids already, I'm done anyway thankyouverymuch.

    "I'd like to trade in this 15" powerbook for a 17" please? My urologist says some of my sperm are still alive."
    • by Gopal.V ( 532678 ) on Thursday December 09, 2004 @09:58AM (#11041403) Homepage Journal
      >I'd like to trade in this 15" for a 17" please? My urologist says some of my sperm are still alive

      That's what I first read ... Then I re-read it again and noticed the powerbook along with the 15" :)

    • by JohnKrasnay ( 160382 ) on Thursday December 09, 2004 @10:08AM (#11041507)
      I have three kids, the third of which was conceived after my first vasectomy.

      I have decided to begin placing my ThinkPad directly on my scrotum, just to be sure the heat has the desired effect.
      • by Anonymous Coward on Thursday December 09, 2004 @10:13AM (#11041554)
        > I have three kids, the third of which was conceived after my first vasectomy.

        Are you stupid? Your wifes cheating on you, dumbass.
        • Re:That's ok (Score:3, Informative)

          by stanmann ( 602645 )
          Assumedly that was the first thing he checked.

          It is not uncommon for a vasectomy or a tubal ligation to fail for any number of reasons. Further, it is possible to have either procedure reversed. If you get a vasectomy, you should make sure it took and held for 3-6 months following healing before assuming sterility.
      • by Bastian ( 66383 ) on Thursday December 09, 2004 @10:49AM (#11041888)
        after my first vasectomy

        I'm going to assume that there's a perfectly reasonable explanation for this phrase, and it's not just that you consider this a good way to spend your Saturday night.
      • The new Chinese State sponsored Birth Control plan is to give everyone a ThinkPad. Now we know the REAL reason they were so interested in buying IBMs laptop division. ;)
    • Re:That's ok (Score:3, Informative)

      by bhtooefr ( 649901 )
      Go for the 12" (has heat problems, but the 17" has more area for the heat to spread in than the 15"), or better yet, something with a P4EE or a Prescott (desktop CPU, FWIW).

      Or, just get my Toshiba Satellite Pro 405CS. Pentium 75, so it's cheap, and it's fucking HOT (I think it's the fact that the HDD is between the keyboard and the battery...)
      • Actually, I forgot, a friend of mine has it right now. Sorry, not for sale.

        However, if you want decent performance along with sperm-killing ability (not as good as a P4EE or Prescott, though), go for something with an Athlon 64 DTR (the mobile's for pussies - it's not too much hotter than a Pentium M). Basically, it's a desktop A64 without a heatspreader.
    • Have zero, and happy to stay that way. This thread is _great_ for tips on causing your own infertility :)
  • I find it uncomfortable to hold a laptop in my lap and try to type. The angle is all wrong. Is this really an issue since most laptops are used as stationary workstations?

    I think it's probably just some graduate student trying to get a PHD. I didn't read the article, of course.

    Hey, here's some news, taking long, hot baths also kills the "little guys," as does sitting in a hot tub. There's a reason they are on the outside of the body, and it has nothing to do with being able to rub them. :)
  • in a DELL training class. In 2000 I attended a training seminar for the campus wide rollout of a wireless network. Tech support training for DELL was part of the seminar and DELL sent some people.

    They were very adament about us calling the DELL machines given to faculty and students "portables", and never to call them "laptops". They said that the portables got so hot that extended stay on one's lap could cause injury. They didn't want the potential liability due to negligence. You could after all consider
    • I have an IBM T20 and I have learned to not rest it in my lap without to use it. Other than the immediate problem of the computer getting very hot, I found that it has the capability of giving an electrical shock. I remember when I found out: I was sitting in bed playing a video game and all of a sudden, I felt electricity flowing through my legs. It only took that one instance before I learned to rest the computer on a small 3-ring binder to:
      1) Angle the computer so that the keyboard was in a more comf
  • ...spreading your legs a bit so that your boys can swing freely a bit. We all know that they are placed on the outside of the body so that they can regulate tempurature. When they are cold the skin tightens up a bit and they get closer to the body for warmth. When they are hot the skin loosens so they can get further from the body and cool off.

    I'm assuming that the problem with laptops is that becuase people keep there legs together while they have the laptop on there lap, their boys have no place to g

    • by AEton ( 654737 ) on Thursday December 09, 2004 @10:03AM (#11041455)
      The entire first paragraph of the article is devoted to the notion that boys tend to spread their legs far out for exactly this reason - but notebook computers force a more artificial, closer-together position that's somewhat less conducive to gamete production.

      I salute you on obtaining the same result independent of the linked article! Your simultaneous conclusion is on par with Newton and Leibniz! Gauss and Legendre! Napier and Burgi!

      Hail the Slashdot warrior.
  • "Guess laptops should get a namechange soon... before our fertility does."

    I have always called them labtops, but I am slightly dyslexic.
    • >laptops should get a namechange

      More recently they are being called "Notebook PCs" or "Portables" ... It's generally used for programming in bed or reading slashdot in the loo (or *other* activities *narf*).

      I remember seeing a print ad for a series of laptops which essentially had a guy sitting with a laptop bag on his side and a HOT chick in half-thigh skirt sitting on his lap . The caption just read "Laptops" in big letters and the company logo at the bottom.
  • by winkydink ( 650484 ) * <> on Thursday December 09, 2004 @10:00AM (#11041421) Homepage Journal
    Ever since CPUs started warming up the bottoms of laptops to unfomfortable temperatures, they've been renamed notebooks.

    On another front, I wonder if we'll see the new Trojan line of laptops soon? I'll take a pass on a lubricated one, though. :)

    • Agreed. Most CSRs at places like Dell, HP, etc. have been instructed by their legal teams to make sure that the devices are referred to "Portable Computers" and never "Laptops." They are also instructed to correct any customers who misuse the terms. Failure to comply will cost you your job.
    • I think I'm slightly more worried about balancing a 2.4GHz microwave generator (802.11g) on my bollocks.

      On the other hand, has anyone made any studies into the effects of microwaving your nuts by using your cellphone while it's in your pocket (i.e. with a bluetooth headset or using it for GPRS with your PDA over bluetooth)?
    • The designation 'laptop' didn't happen until they had reached the point where if you placed them on your lap, they wouldn't cut off all circulation to your legs, and require medical attention.

      The original Mac Portable [] was almost 16 lbs. It wasn't even a full pound lighter than the same era Mac Plus []. (almost all of the weight savings from the CRT was taken by the battery). The PowerBook 100 [] was about 5lbs, or 1/3 the weight. Even the ultra-light (for the time), PowerBook Duo line weighed in over 4lbs [].

  • by DrXym ( 126579 ) on Thursday December 09, 2004 @10:00AM (#11041426)
    Before some geek wires their nutsack with a liquid cooling system!
  • MYTH ALERT !!! (Score:5, Interesting)

    by Naikrovek ( 667 ) <jjohnson AT psg DOT com> on Thursday December 09, 2004 @10:01AM (#11041436)
    Before some of you conclude on your own that this is dangerous, read this.

    On this site a few months back ("few" = [3..12]) I read a story about some swedish dudes who found a way to cheaply and without prescription make themselves sterile. Their way? To dunk their testes in water that is over 105F for an hour a day.

    this killed their sperm, but the effect IS NOT PERMANENT! You will not permanetly damage anything by doing this. The effect lasts weeks but is not permanent.

    If you're into painful male birth control, perhaps this is an option for you.

    Guys, putting a laptop on your lap for extended periods of time will only make you temporarily less likely to conceive. It will not prevent you from generating sperm, and it will not last forever.
    • 105'F is only 41'C. That's probably not any more painful than a warm shower.

      I'd also heard this was a traditional birth control method in parts of Africa. Like many of these things, you'd have to wonder how anyone came up with the idea in a pre-scientific society, but you never know. Contraception is a highly desired thing in many societies, in part because it assists with engaging in undetected "extra-pair copulations" ie. having affairs.
    • A vasectomy is much easier. The whole procedure takes about 10 minutes, requires no stitches, and is usually paid for by health insurance. I'd strongly recommend a vasectomy for anybody.
      • by tverbeek ( 457094 ) on Thursday December 09, 2004 @10:34AM (#11041754) Homepage
        I'd strongly recommend a vasectomy for anybody.

        You might want to be a little more specific in that recommendation. Men who still want to become fathers should probably avoid it. Men whose female partners are post-menopausal, who are chronically celebate, or who are exclusively homosexual might not want to bother, no matter how convenient and affordable. And it's definitely not for women.

    • Beats the hell out of smashing your balls with a hammer for 10 minutes... really, I mean it, it is much less painfull, don't believe me? Try it

  • Ok... (Score:2, Insightful)

    by hummassa ( 157160 )
    I normally use those foldable tables -- the type you use to serve breakfast in bed -- to use my laptop when in bed or in the couch... And sometimes I serve breakfast in bed to my wife, with good results! YMMV :-)
  • I wonder about all those teenagers holding those EF generators next to their brains several thousand hours a year. Older studies were inconclusive, but much of the world's population uses these now.
  • by Junior J. Junior III ( 192702 ) on Thursday December 09, 2004 @10:02AM (#11041446) Homepage
    Thank you, HP for keeping me child-free! I enjoy a nearly stress-free lifestyle and have a ton of disposable income thanks to you!
  • Hey, this is a news for nerds site! Discussions of sperm count and fertility and "getting the girl" have no place here.

    I mean, it's not like anyone here will ever have to worry about their sperm count. Warm 'em up, boys! Warm 'em up!
  • My theory (Score:3, Interesting)

    by bogaboga ( 793279 ) on Thursday December 09, 2004 @10:07AM (#11041493)
    Is it why in most disadvantaged African societies, where young boys do not wear pants, one finds them very very sexualy potent well into their adult life. One also finds their tools (read pen*s) are really big for their age compared to western societies?

    Imagine: Despite the AIDS epidemic, the African population is still growing astronomically and is predicted to be one-fourth of the world's in 5 decades.

    As an African myself, I think this has something to do with the temperature on one's body "down there", where the tool is left to dangle in the air. Men on that continent remain sexually active well into their 80's. My grandfather married again at 82, and Uganda's former president (Binaisa) who is 86 recently married a Japanese - -12-09-2004.html [] May be it's the genes or the food the people eat. It has been said that food on that continent is less contaminated with additives since most farmers are too poor to afford things like that.

    If the above theory is correct, it might explain why the population of Africans in general, despite all the hardships continues to grow.

    Now, the above are facts so do not mod me down. In my home country, these is [almost] no market for Viagra and the like.

    • Re:My theory (Score:5, Insightful)

      by digitalsushi ( 137809 ) <> on Thursday December 09, 2004 @10:27AM (#11041700) Journal
      Perhaps the birth rate in Africa is higher because Africa's mothers do not have the proper education about contraceptives, nor sometimes the freedom to make their own choices. I've never been educated in the matter so it's a fool's speculation on my part. I have heard that population growth comes into check once a society has educated females treated as equals to the men. I realize Africa is large and has a diverse societal background, and that making such blanket statements is dangerous . . .
    • This would make sense if everyone still wore traditional robes etc. but don't most politicians and businessmen (I'm thinking of Mr. Biniasa here) etc. usually wear western-style clothes, ie. pants? Maybe there's just less cultural baggage to inhibit old people from being active - in the West it's assumed that after about 60 you NEVER have sex, and any evidence to the contrary is often met with horror and disgust (for aesthetic reasons related to the mental image of the event). Being put in icky nursing ho
  • See? See? Technology is evil, because we all know only evil electronics could cause this sort of thing...

    ** slips back into his hottub sipping a margarita **
  • by Thrakkerzog ( 7580 ) on Thursday December 09, 2004 @10:10AM (#11041532)
    I have a laptop!
  • Do you have balls cooler? ... No, not ball bearing.
  • A couple of searches:
    No hits on the following: = &q=%22Moshe+ Wald%22+Iowa&btnG=Search arch?hl=en&lr=&q=%22Moshe+ Wald%22+fertility&btnG=Search om/search?hl=en&lr=&q=Yefim+She nykin&btnG=Search irsearch.cgi?first= &last=Shenykin&status=Any

    However, if you take the fact that his name may have been mispelled, you've got this site:
  • They might not have been the first to report the story, but they were the first ones to use the headline: Chestnuts roasting on an open FireWire []
  • ...vibrating batteries.

  • This is news? (Score:5, Insightful)

    by gordguide ( 307383 ) on Thursday December 09, 2004 @10:23AM (#11041647)
    Maybe I just pay attention more than most, but doesn't everyone know this by now?

    20 years ago they told us the kind of underwear you choose (and we can include going commando here as a choice) determines sperm count.

    Tight underwear = lower count; loose = higher. They even told us it was because of the heat retention, which adversely affects the count and motility (how "peppy" the little fellas are).

    Now, exactly which normal cognitive person needs a study to tell you s hot machine (or a heat lamp for that matter) on your upper legs might do the same thing?

    I got it. Lets do a combo study to cross-correlate exactly which kind of underwear and which type of laptop is the absolute worst . Yeah, that's it.

    Or maybe we could just figure it out for ourselves. Nah, let's submit it anyway; there's no research grant in using common sense, is there?
  • Old news. 3 years ago Freeverse Software released the Save the Boys [] laptop insulator. It was a suggestion from their president's wife, who wanted to get pregnant.
  • Isn't 'scrota' the plural of 'scrotum'?
  • by catdevnull ( 531283 ) on Thursday December 09, 2004 @10:37AM (#11041787)
    Let's not get TESTE over this issue. At first GLANS, this might be a very scary prospect, but there's a VAS DEFERENS between damage and infertility. I believe the Finnish andrologist, Dr. Skro Tümm, did the SEMINAL work on this area of study.

    I'm sorry. I couldn't help myself.

    (reminds me of a New Yorker cartoon when Satan tells his associates, "Put the punster in with the mime...")

  • Fertility Sucks (Score:3, Insightful)

    by nuintari ( 47926 ) on Thursday December 09, 2004 @11:05AM (#11042052) Homepage
    I can honestly say this doesn't bother me. I have never wanted kids, nor should I have kids. I would make the worst father in the world, and I am okay with that.

    So, everytime someone warns me about damaging my ability to reproduce, I go ahead and do it. Tight pants, warm undies, gratuitous and long term use of hottubs at every oppurtunity. Now, I am going back to using my lap as a laptop rest. My Inspiron is one heck of a space heater. My boys will shoot out in coffins dag nabbit!

    And invariably, I end up offending someone with my little "I don't want kids" rants. Tell me, why does the world care if I have kids? My doc said no on a vasectomy for a few years, as I am "still young (I'm almost 26), and will likely change my mind." and the possibility of a lawsuite is too great when it turns out to be irreversable.

    leave it to this nations great Lawyer population to force me to own many items which can be construed as "Ball Warmers."
  • by phillymjs ( 234426 ) <slashdot.stango@org> on Thursday December 09, 2004 @11:34AM (#11042317) Homepage Journal
    It's been known for years that sitting in an too-hot hot tub for a while or wearing overly-restrictive underwear can cause a short-term decrease in sperm count. It is any real stretch of the imagination to determine that putting a different heat source near the crotch and sitting in a way that confines the testicles in that heat would have the very same effect?

    Your balls need to be somewhat cool to function properly... why the hell else do you think they have to dangle outside of the body in their own little storage pouch-- for ornamental purposes?

  • by mnemotronic ( 586021 ) <.moc.liamg. .ta. .cinortomenm.> on Thursday December 09, 2004 @12:57PM (#11043173) Homepage Journal
    I'm not Catholic, and I'm not up on their rules, but isn't anything that prevents or inhibits those little spermies from reaching the egg Frowned Upon by the Catholic church as "birth control"? Wouldn't a Pentium-powered testacle-toaster qualify?

Feel disillusioned? I've got some great new illusions, right here!
