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13 Energy Drinks In 3 Sessions 374

circletimessquare writes "As a member of the cult of caffeine, as I suspect many Slashdot readers are, I was pleasantly amused by this story in The New York Times entitled Opening 13 Cans of Whoop (reg req). Our brave reporter sucks down a number of energy drinks of various parentages and gives us the lowdown on their taste, appearance, ingredients, overall effect, and dubious appeal. Example: 'At this point, my energy level was not only elevated, it was speeding toward the red line. I felt myself staring holes through my computer screen, typing at five times my normal rate and thinking far too creatively about life questions like how many AA batteries I needed to buy when I went to the drug store. My mood was chipper. Too chipper.'"
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13 Energy Drinks In 3 Sessions

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  • Reg Free (Score:5, Informative)

    by bendelo ( 737558 ) * on Saturday May 22, 2004 @05:38PM (#9226786)
    Here's a registration free link [] thanks to Google [].
    • Re:Reg Free (Score:5, Funny)

      by AnwerB ( 255422 ) on Saturday May 22, 2004 @06:15PM (#9226943)
      Quick Summary: New York times reporter overdoses on caffine; writes an article.
    • Re:Reg Free (Score:4, Funny)

      by Dizzle ( 781717 ) on Saturday May 22, 2004 @06:37PM (#9227027) Journal
      Thank god you linked to Google. Before now, I had never heard of Google. Seems pretty handy though.
    • Re:Reg Free (Score:5, Funny)

      by DrMrLordX ( 559371 ) on Saturday May 22, 2004 @06:40PM (#9227035)
      An in depth article [] on this topic has already been written. It's much better than the NY Times offering.
  • substitutes (Score:5, Funny)

    by Anonymous Coward on Saturday May 22, 2004 @05:42PM (#9226811)
    I think at some point its much healthier to switch to cocaine.
  • by the eric conspiracy ( 20178 ) on Saturday May 22, 2004 @05:44PM (#9226822)

    I put instant coffee in the microwave and went back in time.

    Thanks Steve Wright..

    • by Anonymous Coward
      I've seen this joke stated wrong(ly?) far too many times.

      The actual Steven Wright joke is:

      I put instant coffee in a microwave oven and almost went back in time.

      The key word is 'almost'. That's what makes it funny.
  • by Poeir ( 637508 ) < minus painter> on Saturday May 22, 2004 @05:45PM (#9226823) Journal
    While it's real great to be awake and theoretically able to do something productive until the wee hours of the night, there is no substitute for honest to goodness sleep. It's a lot cheaper than a $2 eight-ounce can, too.

    Sleep when you can. You won't regret it.
    • by metlin ( 258108 ) * on Saturday May 22, 2004 @05:59PM (#9226883) Journal

      And again, if you drink coffee in limited quantities (like say, not more than a couple of cups a day), you will notice that when you need to stay up, having an extra cup or two really has an effect.

      When you are a heavy coffee drinker who cuts back on coffee, the first couple of times you have more than your usual dose of caffeine, it takes you on a real alertness mode.

      And the worst part is that the more the coffee you have, the less regular your sleeping habits become. You stop having good sleep, and therefore your waking hours become kinda blurry. At which point, you resort to more caffeine. A vicious circle.

      A cup (at most two) a day is just about fine, IMHO.
      • by thynk ( 653762 ) <> on Sunday May 23, 2004 @12:40AM (#9228168) Homepage Journal
        And the worst part is that the more the coffee you have, the less regular your sleeping habits become. You stop having good sleep, and therefore your waking hours become kinda blurry. At which point, you resort to more caffeine.

        You say that like it's a Bad Thing(tm). I've always had the view that sleep is for the weak anyway.

        I remember reading an article where 'they' were doing research for a drug that 'replaced' sleep - you could go 4 or 5 days with out the negative side effects. My first and only thought was 'Gimme - I wanna beta test'
    • by medelliadegray ( 705137 ) on Saturday May 22, 2004 @06:18PM (#9226952)
      /jesting on

      So you say that its cheaper to get more sleep. well sir, i shall prove to you, beyond a doubt, that it is, in fact, cheaper to buy my Mighty Mighty Speedo Drink(TM) every day for a low low price of 2.59 per 5.9 oz bottle!

      Now, my friend, assuming your salery is the very respectable wage of $5.15, and you are able to stay up 2.5 hours longer per day by using my Mighty Mighty Speedo Drink(TM) every day in the morning to wake yourself up, and in the evening to keep yourself up longer then, you are in fact making money by using my Mighty Mighty Speedo Drink(TM).

      We all know that time IS money, and by using my Mighty Mighty Speedo Drink(TM) you are in fact generating money! By staying up 2.5Hours more per day, you recieving $12.88 more per day in personal or professional time, after subtracting the low low cost of my Mighty Mighty Speedo Drink(TM) you are in effect generating $7.70 of your time's worth per day! Multiply this by 365 days in a year, and by 10 years, and your gross profit in time will be in excess of $28,000. Would you pass up the oppritunity to make an additional 28 grand? Nooo sane person Wooould! so buy your Mighty Mighty Speedo Drink(TM) today at your local supplier, and prove to the world you are worth more than they are!

      *Warning, it is necessary to get adequate sleep, improper or prolonged use of product may cause premature aging, bags under the eyes, and cause children to run away when they see your face. additional side effects may be experienced with prolonged use, results may vary from person to person. no children, puppies, or fish were harmed in the testing of this product.* /jesting off

      Nothing replaces getting quality sleep for the proper hours that your body requires.
    • Cheaper maybe... (Score:5, Interesting)

      by Animaether ( 411575 ) on Saturday May 22, 2004 @06:28PM (#9226998) Journal
      Although it is cheaper ($0.00 vs $2.00 = $2.00 cheaper, or #INF%), there is the flip side as well.

      Not to denounce the fact that sleep is a Good Thing(tm), but...

      Let's say that drinking the content of the $2 can allows you to stay up and awake, productive, etc. for 1 more hour.
      At $40/hour pay, you just 'made' $38.

      I know a few people who wouldn't mind making that trade-off if they could.
      • by Poeir ( 637508 )
        Yes, but the longer you stay up, the less productive you are. You're getting nowhere fast if you stay up an extra hour and do as much work as you'd do in half an hour when fully alert. If your job is occupying space, then an extra hour is handy, but if your job involves making correct decisions, that hour of sub-par work can cost you (or at least someone) way more than an hour of time.
      • Re:Cheaper maybe... (Score:5, Informative)

        by scum-e-bag ( 211846 ) on Saturday May 22, 2004 @08:07PM (#9227388) Homepage Journal
        Yeah, that's what I was doing for a few years... slam down a red bull toward the end of the night and pull an extra hour or two, get some more $$$. An extra two hours gave me an extra $80 no problems, or so I thought.

        Last Christmas it all caught up with me when I had an epileptic fit and woke up finding myself in the emergency section of the hostpital unable to walk. I was lucky that I only tore my back muscles and didn't break my spine from the violent jerking involved with the siezure. The only reason given to me for this fit, by the various doctors I saw, was that it occured due to my working hours and that I was pushing my body to the limit. They all told me to slow down before I killed myself or someone else. I am only 29.

        Be carefull with your use/abuse of these products. It can cost you more in the long run. I was only having two of these things a day at the most.
      • Pretax/aftertax (Score:3, Interesting)

        by mgkimsal2 ( 200677 )
        Not everyone's making $40/hour to start with - I presume many more who might be considering the 'redbull' lifestyle are in the $18-$25/hour range.

        Assume $25/hour. After taxes, you're probably making $18/hour. Minus the $2 (you buy most things with after-tax dollars, not pretax dollars) and you're left with $16 'profit'.

        Considering the long-term health risks associated with that type of abuse, and the more likely ROI financially most people would actually realize, it's not as great as many people make it
    • by actiondan ( 445169 ) on Saturday May 22, 2004 @06:39PM (#9227031)

      Actually, I find I am more effective at certain kinds of tasks (especially programming) if I attack them in long sessions. The longer I keep going, the more into the right mind set I get and the more productive I am. This is especially true for involved tasks that need a lot of separate considerations to be maintained.

      For periods of up to about a week (and not _too_ often, I find it effective to stay awake through the night (so I end up working (with some breaks) from about 12 midday through to about 4 in the afternoon the next day), then relax and have a big long sleep.

      Of course, everyones working habits are different...


      • by spare.dave ( 678439 ) on Saturday May 22, 2004 @07:56PM (#9227345) Homepage
        Yours seems a common work habit among programmers. It's just sort of taken for granted that that's how programming works. But it's one I've never been able to follow.

        I always found that when working on a complex problem, sleep gives me a perspective that I just didn't have the night before. Coding for an hour in the morning, I can probably accomplish work that would have taken me three hours during the blurry zombie-like state that accompanies an all-nighter.

        But then I also like sunlight...
      • "Actually, I find I am more effective at certain kinds of tasks (especially programming) if I attack them in long sessions. The longer I keep going, the more into the right mind set I get and the more productive I am. This is especially true for involved tasks that need a lot of separate considerations to be maintained."

        This is true in the programming world, but the opposite is basically true in the creative world. If I spent 15 hours making a 3D model, I'll have gotten maybe 10 hours worth of productivi
    • Time is money, and caffine buys you more time that would have been lost to sleep.

      Thus, in the time that you could have been awake because of a $2 can of energy beverage, you could be losing THOUSANDS of dollars doing nothing!

    • by SEE ( 7681 ) on Saturday May 22, 2004 @08:25PM (#9227460) Homepage
      there is no substitute for honest to goodness sleep.

      Sure there is. It's called Provigil. It's not a stimulant and it doesn't give you "energy". It just relieves the need for sleep.
  • Whatever (Score:5, Insightful)

    by molafson ( 716807 ) on Saturday May 22, 2004 @05:46PM (#9226824)
    I felt myself staring holes through my computer screen, typing at five times my normal rate and thinking far too creatively about life questions like how many AA batteries I needed to buy when I went to the drug store.

    Whatever! You'd think the guy was smoking crystal meth or something. Anyway, if you want to feel healthy and alert, try:
    (a) Eating nutritiously and sparingly,
    (b) Exercising every day, and
    (c) Sleeping regularly (same time every day) for 8 hours.
    • Re:Whatever (Score:4, Funny)

      by MikeXpop ( 614167 ) <.mike. .at.> on Saturday May 22, 2004 @05:49PM (#9226831) Journal
      But taking drugs is so much easier. Hey look, ritilan!

      And on a different subject, I don't think smoking Crystal Meth is possible. It's usually snorted or taken orally.
      • Re:Whatever (Score:3, Informative)

        by molafson ( 716807 )
        "Smoking crystal meth [] has the quickest effect, within 7 to 10 seconds, as the vapors enter the lungs, and are absorbed rapidly through the blood vessels lining the lungs, and then get pumped throughout the body and brain."
      • Re:Whatever (Score:2, Informative)

        by mog007 ( 677810 )
        I'm not a chemist or biologist, but I do know that just about every drug has a smoked form. If crystal meth can be vaporized by the energy from a lighter, it could most certainly be inhaled through the respiratory system and absorbed into the blood stream. No telling what kind of damage it would do to a person's lungs, and the high wouldn't come as fast as snorting it, but it certainly is possible.

        As for energy, if you're that desperate for caffine just get some soda. A two liter bottle of Dr. Pepper is
        • Guarana isn't a bogus ingredient. I have guarana extract in pills for when I've pulled an all nighter and need to work the next day. I take enough of it and my body temperature rises, my pulse rate goes up and my blood pressure rises. I even get chest pains from it. It's definitely a stimulant. I only started taking it since the effects of caffeine are totally null for me (tolerance). I'll probably need methamphetamine soon, heh.
    • Re:Whatever (Score:5, Funny)

      by cgenman ( 325138 ) on Saturday May 22, 2004 @06:08PM (#9226919) Homepage
      Whatever! You'd think the guy was smoking crystal meth or something.

      Wasn't that the active ingredient in Crystal Pepsi?

    • Re:Whatever (Score:3, Informative)

      by Eil ( 82413 )

      (a) Eating nutritiously and sparingly,

      I want to add to this: Eat lots and lots of uncooked vegetables. You seriously can't have too many. Most of us are familiar with eating habits that tend to go with the geek lifestyle: TV dinners, ramen, spaghetti-o's, fast food, and soda (pop) by the truckload.

      However, when I made a conscious effort to start eating raw vegetables with *every* meal (and not just a carrot or so a day), I noticed that I started having fewer headaches, had more energy, and just generall
      • Re:Whatever (Score:5, Funny)

        by sugarboy ( 125106 ) on Sunday May 23, 2004 @12:36AM (#9228163)

        However, when I made a conscious effort to start eating raw vegetables with *every* meal (and not just a carrot or so a day), I noticed that I started having fewer headaches, had more energy, and just generally felt all-around healthier. Now, if I don't eat my veggies, I find that those symptoms come right back. Carrots, celery, lettuce, and green peppers are almost always staples in my fridge.

        Now see, what's going on here is that you've become addicted to these so-called "healthy" foods and have built up a dependency, as shown by your withdrawal symptoms. The effects of these food items are perceived increase in clarity and energy, and overall "health", exactly as you have described. But we all know the truth: you're addicted.

      • Re:Whatever (Score:5, Informative)

        by Anonymous Coward on Sunday May 23, 2004 @12:47AM (#9228179)
        Almost any sweet beverage you can buy at the supermarket will dehydrate you more than it will hydrate you thanks to all the added sugar they put in those things

        False. 100%, completely, absolutely, totally false. Sugar does not contribute to dehydration except insofar as it may contribute to diarrhea.

        Sugar doesn't interferes with the takeup of water; is even specifically added to oral rehydration treatments because it improves bodily takeup. And the metabolization of sugar releases water, rather than taking it up.
  • by PeterPumpkin ( 777678 ) on Saturday May 22, 2004 @05:50PM (#9226836) Journal
    Red Bull wasn't the first energy drink. Remember, Coca-Cola used to contain cocaine.
  • I'm amazed (Score:3, Insightful)

    by BCW2 ( 168187 ) on Saturday May 22, 2004 @05:50PM (#9226839) Journal
    that people spend that kind of money on this stuff. Give me a bag of coffee beans and stand back. If needed I will make it stiff enough to stand on it's own, you don't drink it, you chew it. Who needs a mug.

    Of course I don't understand Starbucks either. $4 for a cup of coffee? I like mine plain black, not that sissified crap.
    • by cgenman ( 325138 ) on Saturday May 22, 2004 @06:05PM (#9226909) Homepage
      Why not get actual Caffeine [] or pure Guarana []? Of course, I once saw a girl who ate roughly 1 gram of caffeen in a night stay up for 4 days straight while crying and dribbling at the mouth, so don't overdo it.

      And as for straight coffee beans... Try instant. Just shovel a few spoonfuls into your mouth, and wash it down with water. 10 seconds and you're super caffinated.

      Of course the other secret is to eat 20mg of caffeine immediately before falling asleep. You will awake totally refreshed in about two hours, as if you had a full night's sleep. You do have to make very sure you fall asleep before the caffeine kicks in, or you just won't sleep at all. Long-term effects include improved GPA and complete cardiopulmonary collapse.

  • If you need energy drinks to stay alert, you either aren't getting enough sleep (which is dumb) or you're utterly insane.

    Normal people in normal sleep routines should be able to get by without caffeine. Hell, I've stayed up all night on nothing more than water before.
  • by Anonymous Coward on Saturday May 22, 2004 @05:51PM (#9226847)
    jolt cola was limited to 72mg dose of caffine per 12 oz soda do to food laws. (at least in the USA)

    which ironicly is less then coffee can be (normally 65-175 mg per 8 oz serving) and less then espresso (100mg per 1.5-2oz)

    these energy drinks are not "soda" to get around the limit.

    LD50 for caffine is 150mg/kg
    (take your weight in kg * 150mg of caffine = a dose that has a 50% chance of killing you)

    200 pounds = 90.7 kilograms => 13.6 grams
    100 pounds = 45.3 kilograms => 6.8 grams

  • by arabagast ( 462679 ) on Saturday May 22, 2004 @05:51PM (#9226851) Homepage
    um, I know this is kinda blasphemy here on slashdot, but my tip is actually to reduce your dose of caffeine. I used to drink *lots* of coffee and other caffeinated beverages earlier, but decided to try a little break and watch the difference. My conclusion is as follows (beware: these are my personal experiences, your might be completely different)

    1. If you are going to be doing a lot of intensive work, in need of intense concentration (such as coding), you shouldn`t pour down coffee like you never saw it before. The coffee dehydrates your body, leading to less-than-optimal body functionality and can actually make you less suited to do the job intented.
    2. If you, as we all do once in a while, drink buckets of coffee - remember to drink lots of water or other beverage to compensate for the water loss brought on by the caffeine. It`s important to have enough water in your body, we're water creatures after all ^^.

    but, who am I kidding - Coffee is G-O-D :P
    • by APDent ( 81994 ) on Saturday May 22, 2004 @05:58PM (#9226875)
      Coffee is God Pee?

      Oops. Sorry. That's a smiley.
    • Your statement doesn't entirely ring true.
      Coffee dehydrates - yes. But just drinking water isn't going to re-hydrate you. Indeed, drinking too much water is toxic.
      The problem is that even though you drink the liquids, you don't have enough salt (to put it simply) in your system to *retain* that water.

      So my advice : If you drink a lot of coffee / water, be sure to have some salty snacks as well. E.g. licorice, chips/fries, bacon - whatever.
      • Re:Dehydration... (Score:5, Informative)

        by DavittJPotter ( 160113 ) on Saturday May 22, 2004 @07:06PM (#9227134) Homepage Journal
        Indeed, drinking too much water is toxic
        Yes, but.....


        You would need to chug down about three quarts of water or more all at once to come down with a case of true water intoxication. It does happen, but so rarely that I couldn't find statistics on the number of cases. These people become drowsy, lightheaded, and weak. They have trouble coordinating bodily movements and thinking straight, looking and feeling as if they just stumbled out of the local bar.
  • Ritalin (Score:4, Interesting)

    by Anonymous Coward on Saturday May 22, 2004 @05:52PM (#9226856)
    Ritalin combined with caffine is by far the most productivity inspiring legal cocktail one can imagine.
  • by Feezle ( 605987 ) on Saturday May 22, 2004 @05:57PM (#9226873)
    Reminds me a lot of this [] (funnier!) column from Computer Language magazine.
  • by t_allardyce ( 48447 ) on Saturday May 22, 2004 @05:58PM (#9226874) Journal
    Is he in soviet russia or something? in the rest of the world, computer screen stares holes in you!

    Caffiiineeee yeah yeah yeah! uhuh! im good to go! hey i can quit! i can quit anytime!
  • by deathcloset ( 626704 ) on Saturday May 22, 2004 @06:01PM (#9226893) Journal
    the interesting thing to me is, that while caffeine is probably the worlds most widely used drug, it's effects (on spiders, albeit) actually seem to be more detramental than that of even marjuanna. []
    Yes, I know this is a spider and not a human; but it's still some food for thought....
    Fry: Fancy cigar why don't you smoke it already? Puff puff go go go go go!
  • Super Size Me fad (Score:2, Insightful)

    by timeOday ( 582209 )
    How many me-too articles we'll be seeing thanks to Super Size Me (the movie about the guy who ate only at McDonalds for a month with bad results).

    I don't see how this evaluation of energy drinks means anything, because he had more than one per sitting. Who's to say which one did what, or how they cross-reacted?

  • Taurine vs. Caffeine (Score:5, Interesting)

    by Arren ( 776080 ) <> on Saturday May 22, 2004 @06:03PM (#9226901) Homepage
    This is a 'Science' story???

    The NYT article itself is a lark, and a poorly written one at that. As one who consumes espresso regularly and *energy drinks* occasionally, I can assert, experientially (corroborated by several friends & coworkers with whom I've discussed this in the past), that the defining active ingredient in Red Bull and its myriad spawn is Taurine, not Caffeine.

    Conduct the experiment yourself: get a double espresso one night, followed the next night by an 8oz *energy drink* (adjust qtys. for your tolerance). Note the differing effects of the caffeinated espresso vs. the taurine+caffeine *energy drink*.
    • by barakn ( 641218 ) on Saturday May 22, 2004 @10:49PM (#9227909)
      The article wasn't science, but your idea isn't either. The only way for you to be sure is if somebody packages caffeine or caffeine/taurine into indistinguishable capsules and then feeds them to you over successive nights in a double-blind experiment (they can't know what they're giving to you either until afterwards). Otherwise you're just testing the placebo effect. Perhaps your experience with Red Bull is influenced by Red Bull's massive marketing campaign. Coffee advertising tends to advertise its flavor, not its stimulant properties.
  • Real men drink Bawls []...
  • Pah! I laugh! (Score:5, Interesting)

    by Stephonovich ( 601356 ) <stephonovich@[ ] ... m ['ste' in gap]> on Saturday May 22, 2004 @06:07PM (#9226913) Homepage Journal
    Fools! Try drinking SkyRocket spiked 24 ozs. bottles of Code Red, or better yet, Bawls! 100mg per oz... Just don't try it straight. Penguins soaked in it are quite good, though.

    What's the most caffeine you've had, anyway? My above experience with SkyRocket spiking (plus spiked OJ and Coffee in the morning) resulted in about 1g (not mg, mind you) of caffeine intake over a period of about 6 hours. First time I've ever noticed my heartrate go up from caffeine. With my weigh of about 115 lbs, the LD-50 for me is around 7 grams.


    • Re:Pah! I laugh! (Score:3, Insightful)

      by stephenisu ( 580105 )
      Whoa deamn!

      Just keep in mind LD-50 is the point where HALF of the HEALTHY subjects are dead. Many die well before that, many also get ill. I don't know about YOUR particular physique, but most slashdotters I know in real life (myself included) are not exactly healthy.

      Careful man, you could suffer short or long term health effects.

      Anywho, I gotta stop typing, my BAWLS with guarana is nearly 45 F, I gotta finish it now.
  • by iLL_L0gic ( 607165 ) on Saturday May 22, 2004 @06:08PM (#9226917)
    Honestly folks, out of all of us nerdy caffeine freaks, who hasn't tried the suculant taste of Bawls energy drink? I have sampled all of the major drinks on the market, and Bawls ranks in the top three on Taste, Power, and Look (Come on, the bottle is awesome). Do they not sell this stuff in New York? It would have been the one of the top three I'm sure.
    • I'll second that one. Bawls [] is AWESOME stuff. I can slam a 10oz bottle and be wired for like the next 6 hours. Plus it tastes great (kinda like punch but w/o the vodka), and the bottles look damn nifty [] stacked ontop of my computer desk.
      I've got a whole case of 24 sitting in my room right now... which reminds me, I need to go out and buy some more soon!

      But yeah, for me... Bawls is the ONLY way to fly.
  • I was not pleasantly amused, I was downright awestruck by his reference to Pagan Pink Ripple as a "landmark beverage". I wish I could write like that.

    Raise your hand if you have any recollection of this swill (or any recollection the day after comsuming it).

  • It's called Blaa.
    and what is Blaa in Norwegian?


    Google translate doesn't do Norwegian to English.
  • Why bother? (Score:5, Funny)

    by pantycrickets ( 694774 ) on Saturday May 22, 2004 @06:16PM (#9226945)
    If you want to achieve the effects described in this article, why beat around the bush. Just get some cocaine. Compared to what these things cost, you might even be saving money.

    But, for those who can't give up drinking their high.. there are new coca enhanced energy drinks coming out of Peru []. Not coming into America any time soon, but still..
  • MORE INTERESTING (Score:5, Interesting)

    by Tandoori Haggis ( 662404 ) on Saturday May 22, 2004 @06:19PM (#9226961)
    would be a "scientific study" of the respective disolving powers of each drink. Since teeth vary, I guess we would initially need to establish,the parameters of the "average tooth" of the consumer in terms of its resistance to:

    A: Carbonic acid
    B: Phosphoric acid
    C: Sodium Benzoate
    D: Sugar activated plaque
    E: Anything else in a drink including colours (colors), flavours, (flavors), preseratives etc.,

    Once we establish the "average tooth", we need to obtain sufficient samples which are sufficiently similar in size, type and quality of dentyne layer.

    Incidentally, we also ought to test fillings and see what happens to them. We could look for loosening due to tooth decay or the disolving of metal amalgum, (or whatever filler they use).

    I'd be particularly interested in the gases liberated from metal fillings and glues/resins by the corrosive action of the acids.

    While we are at it, IF these drinks are made from
    domestic water, what effect does the fluoride have
    on the tooth. Fluoride is added to water supplies so that poor unfortunate people who apparantly don't buy toothpaste don't have to worry about their teeth falling out.

    Obituary: J Bloggs croaked on Friday due to liver failure as a result of Fluoride overdose. The Coroner did note however that the deceased had a lovely set of teeth.

    While we are at it, where are MY RIGHTS? I didn't demand fluoride in the water. If you brush your teeth with toothpaste containing fluoride AND drink copious quantities of water containing Fluoride (BECAUSE SOME MF SOB DECIDED IT WAS IN YOUR BEST INTERESTS WHETHER YOU LIKE IT OR NOT!) they can get stained black. Whoopee! Might as well issue black crayons. Why are polititians and tooth fairy campaigners so IGNORANT of long term health issues. They wouldn't have shares in fluoride mines perhaps now would they???!!!

    Colours, sweeteners and preservatives are used to make products attractive to look at and cheap to produce. Medical help and therapy costs millions, maybe billions$. WHO PAYS IN THE END?

    Sorry for the soapbox moment but some stuff has to be said.

    • Re:MORE INTERESTING (Score:3, Interesting)

      by Idarubicin ( 579475 )
      While we are at it, where are MY RIGHTS? I didn't demand fluoride in the water. If you brush your teeth with toothpaste containing fluoride AND drink copious quantities of water containing Fluoride (BECAUSE SOME MF SOB DECIDED IT WAS IN YOUR BEST INTERESTS WHETHER YOU LIKE IT OR NOT!) they can get stained black. Whoopee! Might as well issue black crayons. Why are polititians and tooth fairy campaigners so IGNORANT of long term health issues. They wouldn't have shares in fluoride mines perhaps now would they
    • They wouldn't have shares in fluoride mines perhaps now would they???!!!

      The toothpaste on my shelf contains 0.24% sodium fluoride; that's about one part in a thousand that's fluoride, by mass. If we assume that I go through 250 g of toothpaste per year--about half a pound--that's 0.25 g of fluoride I consume each year. Over a quarter billion or so Americans, that would be sixty or seventy tons of fluoride.

      The average per capita water use in the United States is (rounded up) about two hundred gallons

  • OT, but like he points out: "sale of Red Bull, the leading energy drink in Europe, has been restricted to pharmacies in some countries there because of its high caffeine content." Here in Norway they actually outlawed it completely (which can be done because we think are to good for the European Union and it's free trade...) Of course we are used ridicolous legislation regarding to anything remotely stimulating, after all I live in a country which has about the same maximum punishment for possession of lar
  • I experimented with a few energy drinks prior to my trek out to new mexico from new jersey. I found that SoBe Adrenaline worked best for me. I never drink caffine and always get at least 8 hours sleep so I knew this would be system shock. My brother, on the other hand, who has ADD could find nothing that worked.

    Just on Adrenaline I made it out there in under 40 hours only stopping for gas/bathroom. Not a huge accomplishment for most, but a triumph for me. When I got to the pan handle I was downing one
  • by rune2 ( 547599 ) on Saturday May 22, 2004 @06:48PM (#9227070) Homepage
    If only the product had been available to Keith Richards, he might be wrinkle-free and rosy cheeked today.

    Who is this guy trying to kid? Keith Richards has done every drug there is and he's still alive. You just can't seem to kill the guy. I'm pretty sure that he'd just laugh at these energy drinks. You know what they say, If there's ever a World War 3 only two things will survive: the cockroaches and Keith Richards!
  • by ZosX ( 517789 ) <[zosxavius] [at] []> on Saturday May 22, 2004 @06:51PM (#9227080) Homepage
    I j-j-j-ust drank-k-k a-ll thirteeeen-n-n at once-ce-ce-ce aaaand-d let meeeee tell-l-l-l you I wouldn't-t-t-t recomend it!


  • by LeeBarnes ( 473092 ) on Saturday May 22, 2004 @06:52PM (#9227086)
    I once heard about this guy from a friend that works for Pepsi. he told me that this guy, a co-worker of his at one time, on a bet, drink six cans of Amp (or one of those similar kind) in just a few minutes (think chug).

    He said within 15 minutes, they were rushing him to the emergency room cause his poor heart was thumping out over 250 beats per minute.

    don't tell me that stuff doesn't have an effect.
  • by JazzHarper ( 745403 ) on Saturday May 22, 2004 @07:56PM (#9227344) Journal
    It would be good to know exactly how much caffeine is actually in some of these drinks. I'd also like to see some taste panel results or surveys.

    I've found that one or two of these will keep me from falling asleep after a three- or four-hour ride and a hot shower. I don't drink it before the ride, because keeping my heart rate under control is essential to maintaining speed on a long ride. Caffeine will give you tachycardia if you're pushing the edge of the anerobic threshhold.

    Some of these drinks taste really foul. I've found that Red Bull does the job, but it doesn't taste very good. SoBe Adrenalin Rush tastes worse. KMX tastes ok, but doesn't have any kick, as far as I can tell. The best combination of taste and effect that I've found is AMP, but I'd like to hear some other opinions. The article was humorous, but it wasn't informative.
  • by still cynical ( 17020 ) on Saturday May 22, 2004 @08:11PM (#9227404) Homepage
    Whatever happened to WhoopAss? It was the first "energy" drink I ever tried, and it tasted MUCH better than Red Bull. ThinkGeek doesn't carry it anymore, and it was the only place I ever saw it.
  • by Black Acid ( 219707 ) on Saturday May 22, 2004 @09:10PM (#9227603)
    All contain caffeine, guarana or a combination of both. (Guarana, a berry found in the Amazon, has a stimulant effect similar to caffeine's.) Some use ginseng as well, for extra stimulation.

    Maybe that is because guarana is caffeine? Actually, guarana (Paullinia cupana) is a plant, which according to Erowid contains 5% caffeine [] from which it derives its stimulant effects. There is no alternative to caffeine named guarana. Wikipedia's article on guarana [] has more information. Yet more misinformation from the Times.
  • Just take a pill (Score:3, Insightful)

    by Joe Tie. ( 567096 ) on Saturday May 22, 2004 @09:25PM (#9227662)
    If you're so obsessed with getting the perfect caffeine ratio, just buy some caffeine pills. You'll get nearly the same effect, can take it faster, you won't have to get up to piss as a result, and it's only something around a nickel or less per pill. In comparison to a drink that'd cost twenty times more and deliver less caffeine.

"I've got some amyls. We could either party later or, like, start his heart." -- "Cheech and Chong's Next Movie"
