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Scientists Create Supersolid From Helium 408

jabberjaw writes "Nature is reporting that Pennsylvania State University researchers Eun-Seong Kim and Moses Chan have created a 'supersolid' from helium-4. Although a crystalline solid, the supersolid can flow much like a liquid. This is due to the fact that the empty compartments in the crystal move coherently, thus waves can progress through the lattice. The supersolid state can be compared to the superfluid state. Perhaps a condensed matter physicist can dumb the article down for layfolk such as myself?"
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Scientists Create Supersolid From Helium

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  • Haiku (Score:5, Interesting)

    by Ignorant Aardvark ( 632408 ) <cydeweys AT gmail DOT com> on Thursday January 15, 2004 @03:58AM (#7983229) Homepage Journal
    Joyous helium
    Becomes a supersolid
    At low Celcius

    But seriously, this stuff is really cool. What with the properties they described, I wonder if it could be useful in conducting electricity or forming a shock-absorbing barrier?
    • How about using a superfluid as zero-loss momentum storage? Like a perfect flywheel?
    • Re:Haiku (Score:5, Funny)

      by Walles ( 99143 ) <> on Thursday January 15, 2004 @08:08AM (#7984101)
      But seriously, this stuff is really cool.

      Thanks, but that was kind of obvious. It was the other parts that needed explaining.

  • Slightly OT (Score:5, Interesting)

    by CracktownHts ( 655507 ) on Thursday January 15, 2004 @03:59AM (#7983233)
    My dad did his PhD thesis on liquid helium 3. Apparently it's pretty difficult to contain the stuff, since even the tiniest opening in a container is enough for everything to escape at once (no viscosity)...
    • by Ignorant Aardvark ( 632408 ) <cydeweys AT gmail DOT com> on Thursday January 15, 2004 @04:03AM (#7983259) Homepage Journal
      My dad did his PhD thesis on liquid helium 3. Apparently it's pretty difficult to contain the stuff, since even the tiniest opening in a container is enough for everything to escape at once (no viscosity)...

      Then I have a good idea for an infinite motion machine. Put the liquid helium, as well a turbine, inside of a Klein bottle. As the helium tries to escape out of the hole it will only lead back into the bottle - meanwhile producing electricity through the turbine! Brilliant! I think I've just solved the Earth's energy crisis!
      • My brain now feels like it has no inside...or maybe no outside....
      • by Anonymous Coward on Thursday January 15, 2004 @04:25AM (#7983353)
        Then I have a good idea for an infinite motion machine. Put the liquid helium, as well a turbine, inside of a Klein bottle. As the helium tries to escape out of the hole it will only lead back into the bottle - meanwhile producing electricity through the turbine!
        And if the whole "perpetual motion" thing doesn't work out, at least you've got one hell of a killer bong...
      • Re:Slightly OT (Score:4, Insightful)

        by Gabrill ( 556503 ) on Thursday January 15, 2004 @04:44AM (#7983414)
        How can a fluid with no viscosity turn a turbine?
        • How can a fluid with no viscosity turn a turbine?

          No No No.. The fluid IS the inside of the turbine, the part that gets spun.. Isn't it magnetic or something?

          Keep in mind that my knowledge about turbines is restricted to the superguy turning the handle on SchoolHouse Rock :)

          Granted, Helium isn't magnetic - so superfluid something else ;)

      • There is a cool thermal acoustic refrigeration technique that employs hemholtz principals described in American Scientist [] a few moons ago. There is also a means of using a Hemholtz filter to create a kind of check valve (I have to look for that reference... if you need it ask) hence providing a "one-way" flow.
      • I think you mean, on the surface of the klein bottle. A surface, has no "inside". But hey... you can buy your own [] and put the turbine any where you want :).
  • Supersolid? (Score:3, Funny)

    by Anonymous Coward on Thursday January 15, 2004 @04:00AM (#7983235)
    Next generation viagra additive?
    • Hmmm you'd likely be called a cold fish. Or maybe your GF would claim to have been "cold cocked". The only thing going up would be the temperature!
  • Sweet! (Score:3, Funny)

    by Dolemite_the_Wiz ( 618862 ) on Thursday January 15, 2004 @04:01AM (#7983243) Journal
    I can soon expect 'Chunk-o-helium' for my high-pitched voice needs. Is this something I'm going to see next to 'Kit-Kat's in the store?

    • I suspect if you inhaled a chunk of solid helium it would be a bit more uncomfortable than inhaling most things.
      • Well, not most things. In fact, I can think of many things that'd be more uncomfortable to inhale. A cat for example. Or a small car.

        Excuse me, I think it's time for my medication..
  • I heard about something like this a few years back, as I understood it then the thing is that at low enough temperatures atoms break down into a "soup" of protons, neutrons and electrons all behaving like a liquid.

    It was a (Swedish) magazine article, so no links I'm afraid. Is this the same thing or entierly different?
    • by Ignorant Aardvark ( 632408 ) <cydeweys AT gmail DOT com> on Thursday January 15, 2004 @04:06AM (#7983267) Homepage Journal
      I heard about something like this a few years back, as I understood it then the thing is that at low enough temperatures atoms break down into a "soup" of protons, neutrons and electrons all behaving like a liquid.

      I think what you're describing is a Bose-Einstein condensate [], which is something entirely different.
      • I think what you're describing is a Bose-Einstein condensate, which is something entirely different.

        Yep, the Wikipedia entry confirmed your suspicions, I was indeed referring to a Bose-Einstein condensate, in my own crude manner ;)

      • by lommer ( 566164 ) on Thursday January 15, 2004 @04:32AM (#7983379)
        No actually, this does have something to do with Bose-Einstein Condensation. Now, IANATheoretical Physicist, but as I understand it, at the quantum level these results may be a manifestation of b-e condenstation in the solid phase (to date, b-e condensation has only been observed in the liquid and gas phases). Now, the original poster was a little bit out to lunch with respect to his description of what a b-e condensate is, do I still highly reccomend reading the wikipedia article. There's still a lot of work to be done before we really figure out exactly what's going on in this experiment, but it looks to have some pretty cool implications at the moment.
  • Oh man (Score:4, Funny)

    by Anonymous Coward on Thursday January 15, 2004 @04:06AM (#7983270)
    I just laid a supersolid one. Yeah I posted anon.
  • Hmmmm.... (Score:2, Insightful)

    Go ahead and mod me down for being an idiot, but wouldn't it be great to use some kind of superliquids or supersolids in car engines and other mechanical devices? I imagine a liquid with no viscocity would be better for an engine than standard synthetic motor oil. I guess that whole temperature thing would kill it though... just a thought.
    • Re:Hmmmm.... (Score:3, Informative)

      by Anonymous Coward
      Well no actually. Higher viscosity oils are better for engines. Imagine two metal surfaces pushing into each other. You want something that isn't immediately dissipated.
  • by Anonymous Coward on Thursday January 15, 2004 @04:12AM (#7983302)
    This is not the first new state of matter announced this week.

    The New York Times reported a "color gass condensate" when gold ions were bombarded with relativistic deuterons. In this condition, nucleons and quarks blur into a jello of gluons.

    There are MANY more states of matter than solid, liquid, and gas. There's plasma, 2-dimensional fluids, 1-dimensional crystals, ambiplasma of partcies and antiparticles, photon crystals, and lots of others.

    This is the golden age of physics!

    Professor Jonathan Vos Post
    Woodbury University
    have an accounton /. but keep forgetting password...

    BTW, check out my "Periodic Table of Mystery Writers" at ht ml

    rollovers and click to 100+ pages...
  • by Anonymous Coward on Thursday January 15, 2004 @04:13AM (#7983308)
    when you misread the title as "Scientist creare supersolid human"

    Kind of a nice idea though...

    I'm going to sleep now.
  • by Blaskowicz ( 634489 ) on Thursday January 15, 2004 @04:13AM (#7983310)
    Great news. Now we can understand how the T1000 works!
    I hope they'll build one soon; it could be a great war machine AND sex toy
  • Supersolids (Score:5, Interesting)

    by condensate ( 739026 ) on Thursday January 15, 2004 @04:18AM (#7983324)
    A superfluid is a fluid that flows without viscosity, meaning that if you were to stir a spoon in a superfluid soup, you could take out the spoon and the soup would keep swirling forever on, since there is no mechanism there (i. e. no friction) to make the vortex you just made disappear. Now if you were to cool a 4He crystal, there would be eventually be no more movement of atoms and the whole thing froze out. But in quantum mechanics, there is the Heisenberg uncertainty Principle which basically states that you are not to now the position of any particle along with its velocity with the same accuracy. There will always be a trade off. The better you know the position, the worse you know the velocity. This accounts for the fact that even at absolute zero, there are some fluctuations of particles, called quantum fluctuations wich do never freeze out. When a superfluid appears this means that the atoms in it move all together. As the Nature article [] suggests, you can compare this to soldiers on a parade. They all move alike. In a supersolid then, you have vacancies, places where atoms are absent. Think of holes in a semiconductor if you like. There, holes are just non-electrons. Here we deal with non-atoms, and they are the ones behaving like soldiers in the case of a supersolid. Meaning the propagate through the whole thing as if they were on a parade, which makes them great for sending any wave (electromagnetic or other) through the crystal, and since these vacancies move in order, they propagate the wave without damping it. This would make a hell of an amplifier. Compare the situation to a superconductor, where you can propagate electric current without damping (i. e. having no resistance at all). To electric current, a superconductor behaves like a supersolid to waves of any kind.
    • Re:Supersolids (Score:5, Informative)

      by camrdale ( 725797 ) on Thursday January 15, 2004 @04:42AM (#7983408)
      If you have trouble thinking of moving holes or vacancies, think of one of those puzzles that is all jumbled and has one square missing. You have to rearrange the puzzle by moving peices into that vacancy, which makes the vacancy move around.
    • Re:Supersolids (Score:5, Informative)

      by An Anonymous Hero ( 443895 ) on Thursday January 15, 2004 @04:56AM (#7983471)
      the Heisenberg uncertainty Principle (...) accounts for the fact that even at absolute zero, there are some fluctuations of particles, called quantum fluctuations wich do never freeze out. When a superfluid appears this means that the atoms in it move all together.

      Heisenberg implies that they (still) move, but has nothing to do with the fact they move all together. This latter fact is because helium atoms can all fall into the "same" lowest-energy state, because they are bosons and so do not obey the Pauli exclusion principle.

    • Surely if you stirred a spoon in a superfluid soup it would not swirl at all, because there's no friction for the spoon to set up a vortex.
    • by Porthos ( 83195 )
      A superfluid is a fluid that flows without viscosity, meaning that if you were to stir a spoon in a superfluid soup, you could take out the spoon and the soup would keep swirling forever on, since there is no mechanism there (i. e. no friction) to make the vortex you just made disappear.

      How exactly does the spoon start the soup swirling? If a superfluid has no viscosity, the spoon isn't able to disturb it, right?
  • by shunterman ( 593448 ) on Thursday January 15, 2004 @04:30AM (#7983368)
    In actuality, superfluids do NOT have zero viscosity at all points. They have very complex properties, depending on a combination of the container, exact conditions, etc, etc. Typically, some parts of superfluids exhibit zero viscosity (truly zero), leading to some fascinating fluid mechanics. For example, the Stokes singular problem actually has NO boundary layer, so drag goes to zero. There are plenty of other really interesting phenomenon - some that might be utilized in future technology.

    Other interesting properties of superfluids include rather odd magnetic fields (Helium-3 or 4 is odd to start with, and then chilling it down and spinning it does some interesting stuff), VERY odd conduction, etc, etc. I imagine that there will be future Nobel prizes given out for research in this area (I believe one already has been, a few years back). Studying how superfluids act can give us some very interesting insights into what actually happens in various media at tiny sizes. One example would be looking at fluid/solid interfaces, and trying to determine what precisely goes on there. The possibilities are endless...

    That being said, isn't the official definition of a fluid "something that deforms continuously under shear stress"? As such, does this indicate that these supersolids do NOT flow continuously?
  • Swiss Cheese (Score:5, Interesting)

    by VoidEngineer ( 633446 ) on Thursday January 15, 2004 @04:40AM (#7983398)
    "Perhaps a condensed matter physicist can dumb the article down for layfolk such as myself?"

    Imagine a big block of swiss cheese (the kind of cheese that's got all the holes in it). Now those holes are basically "vacancies" of cheese. Now, imagine if the holes moved around.

    Similarly, think of one of those pictures underwater videos of SCUBA divers... You know when they release a breath, and all the bubbles start moving up to the surface of the water... Those are likes 'holes' in the water. More specifically, they are "vacancies" and they move in a somewhat orderly manner (up). Of course, it makes more common sense that vacancies would move around in a liquid than in solids....

    So, basically, they've found a state of matter where the vacancies move around in a solid. In a sense, they're claiming that they found a block of cheese in the refridgerator where the holes keep moving. And this is why there's going to be controversy over this claim: they're alot of people who are going to say "no way - cheese doesn't work that way..."

    It would make for a crazy club sandwich... Yum.

    FYI: I'm not a condenced matter physicist, although I do happen to have a degree in the History and Philosophy of Science...
    • Just a question: if all the holes are free to move, how is it different from a liquid?
      • Re:Swiss Cheese (Score:2, Interesting)

        by Dua ( 213683 )
        A liquid is when the atoms are all free to move with respect to each other - they can slip and slide over each other. So in a liquid it's the atoms that are moving.

        The notion of a vacancy only really holds for a crystalline solid, because in that case there's a regular lattice. The vacancy is when you'd expect an atom, but there isn't one.

        What these people are saying is that somehow these holes are free to move, even though they're in a solid where, in general, the atoms and therefore the holes are fixed
    • A better example than cheese may be the classic nine puzzle []. It is solid but has clearly movable holes.
  • Did anyone else read "Scientists create supersoldier" at first?

    Maybe I'm just a bit jumpy, because I've just had my morning coffee... BTW, do you people also hear a clicking sound every time you phone your left-wing journalist friend? Strange...
  • Old news... (Score:3, Funny)

    by woohoodonuts ( 734070 ) on Thursday January 15, 2004 @05:17AM (#7983540)
    What's the big friggin deal? I've been using this stuff in the flux capacitor of my DeLorean for like twenty years...

  • I quote for the article: " Although it is a crystalline solid, it can 'flow' like the most slippery liquid imaginable - in fact, like a liquid with no viscosity." Then how can you tell it is really solid. Also from what I remember from my highschool physiscs helium does not have a solid agregation state and if it was so trivial to obtain it by just compressing it to 60 atm I wonder why nobody figure it out until 2004. ;)
    • Re:a liquid solid (Score:3, Informative)

      by Jan-Pascal ( 21029 )
      You can see a nice small movie of actual 3He crystal growth at Leiden University [].
    • by G4from128k ( 686170 ) on Thursday January 15, 2004 @08:16AM (#7984133)
      Although supersolid He4 does not seem like a solid, by some definitions it is. At any given instant, the atoms in the material appear to be in a crystalline lattice (not bouncing around like the atoms in a liquid). But if you exert any force on that supersolid, the vacancies and defects in the lattice instantly shift to let the solid move. This gives the "solid" a shear strength of zero even if the atoms seem like they are arranged in what appears to be a rigid crystal structure.

      The problem with commonsense notions of "solid" vs. "liquid" is that they don't reflect all the possible states of matter, only the ones that occur at room temperatures. Science usually finds these counterintuitive phenomena outside the usual conditions of everyday life (like when physicists proved that Newton's centuries old laws only work for "slow" speeds, so we need Eistein's equations to understand higher speeds).
  • In other news... (Score:3, Insightful)

    by slightly99 ( 741774 ) on Thursday January 15, 2004 @06:17AM (#7983743)
    ...expect to see the next generation of Apple PowerBooks constructed from Helium-4, "the world's strongest metal".
  • by Richard Kirk ( 535523 ) on Thursday January 15, 2004 @09:47AM (#7984674)
    This effect is a bit like superconductivity, and that is a bit easier to explain that, so I'll start with that...

    Suppose you have a metal. This has positive nucleii, bound electrons which screen most of the nuclear charge, and conduction band electrons which can move thorughout the lattice, but also help to screen the nuclear charge. The whole thing is electrically neutral.

    Suppose then you have some cloud of negative charge. This charge will repel the local electrons, and will attract the local nucleii. The nuclear lattice will bend a bit towards the center of the charge cloud, generating a local region of increased positive charge density that is screened out by the cloud of charge, and the other electrons.

    Now, suppose this charge cloud moves. You have the same attractions and repulsions, but the nucleii have more mass per unit charge than the electrons in the cloud, so they will take a bit of time to react. The induced positive charge region will then lag behind the negative cloud, and will tend to drag it back. If you had a second negative cloud following some way behind the first one, it might be attracted towards this positive region.

    If you had two conduction band electrons with long deBroglie wavelengths, with the same sorts of velocities and at the right distance apart, then you can get this sort of action. Over a limited range, you can get electrons to apparently attract each other, via electron-phonon iteraction.

    This pairing up of electrons is pretty weak. If this was the only thing holding them together then you would not get superconductivity in ordinary materials above a few millikelvin. However, one they start organizing like that, then they can all tend towards a lowest energy state, where they are all moving like a single enormous particle, with a wavelength that is so much larger than most of the usual things that scatter electrons. A more electrons join this single state, an energy gap opens up betweeen the electrons that are in the state, and the ones that aren't, and it becomes more energetically tempting for other electrons to go with the flow. This energy gap stabilizes the superelectron state, and lets superconductivity happen at kelvin rather than millikelvin.

    We have lots of particles giving off heat, but it isn't solidification. We don't have electrons standing shoulder to shoulder like soldiers. One superelectron's wave will significantly overlap hundreds or thousands of other superelectrons. If they had rigid orientations, then a supercurrent could not flow down a wire that got thinner, any more than your cheese with holes in it could flow down a funnel. Also, the electron-phonon coupling only binds if the electrons move. So, forget marching soldiers, unless you have soldiers that can see what is happening a hundred ranks ahead, and automatically calculate a path that will give zero jostling with their neighbours. It is not really a state that exist in the macroscopic world, but you can sort of guess what it might be like: everyone been cool and mellow and getting along with their neighbour, until one guy borrows the lawnmower without asking, or drinks the last beer in the fridge, and then it all suddenly collapses.

    Okay, now if I get the article, you can get the same sort of thing with holes in a superfluid. The helium atoms can form a similar cooperating superfluid. The forces that balance to keep the atoms flowing in a coordianted fashion are different, but the principle is the same. If the particules are moving, and enough of their fields overlap, then there will be a lowest energy state, and one enough of them have discovered it, and particles can find it faster than random thermal fluctions can chuck them out, then everhting moves smoothly.

    Helium atoms as lots of little round fuzzy things. Normally they overlap with lots of their neighbours. As you squish two of them together, the repulsive nuclear forces starts to rise sharply. The strong repulsive forces from the nearest neighbours will be bigger than the others, and wil

  • Maybe that nice reporter lady who told us all about the weight of clouds in terms of elephants could have a go at dumbing it down for us?
  • by cr@ckwhore ( 165454 ) on Thursday January 15, 2004 @12:23PM (#7986275) Homepage
    It really amazes me that people think of stuff like this...

    They did this by filling the narrow channels of a porous form of glass (called Vycor) with helium, and freezing it by cooling it down and squeezing it to more than 60 times atmospheric pressure. A disk of the helium-filled glass was then set spinning. At about 0.175 C above absolute zero, the disk suddenly started to rotate more easily - precisely what would be expected if the helium became a supersolid.

    Holy crap! Who comes up with stuff like this?!?! It reminds me of the great mystery of Maple Syrup, another "who the hell comes up with this stuff" example.

    "Well Bob, if I suck the sap out of this here tree, but only at a certain time of year, and then save it up until I have a lot of it, I'm gonna boil it all for a couple of days until it turns into syrup."

    Obviously, ancient peoples had a lot of time on their hands, to be able to devise maple syrup. Seems like a lot of random crap. Also seems like us modern peoples have a bit too much time on our hands too, with the supersolid helium and all.

I like work; it fascinates me; I can sit and look at it for hours.
