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Skittlebrau 275

diego001 writes "In the spirit of the T.W.I.N.K.I.E.S. Project, and taking a cue from The Simpsons, someone has apparently come up with a real-life Skittlebrau project - various alcoholic beverages with Skittles inside them. Take a look."
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  • by Dancin_Santa ( 265275 ) <> on Wednesday October 15, 2003 @12:35AM (#7216463) Journal
    I've got brauspittle all over my keyboard!
  • choking.. (Score:3, Interesting)

    by qewl ( 671495 ) on Wednesday October 15, 2003 @12:35AM (#7216464)
    Geez, I wonder how many people are going to get so drunk and choke on the new idea.. Slashdot is afterall read by plenty of college students!
    • Some friends and I did it about 3 days after that episode first aired. Skittles and Pabst don't seem to work out the best. Although I'm sure it's better than Skittles and Old Milwaukee. I never thought of trying it with good beer. Better go back to the store...

      And on an unrelated note, I tried making bologna bread with the bread machine. Each slice would be like eating a sandwich, I figured. I've tried it twice and it hasn't worked out. But I think my 3rd idea will work. I'll add no water, but doub
    • My pipe band discovered Skittle Vodka two years ago, and promptly got an Army band banned from drinking with us. It's *very* powerful stuff.

      The best approach is to seperate all the colours and get yourself a range of flavoured vodkas. Fun, and potentially lethal :)

  • Guiness Skout! :)
  • The server seems to have taken a dive in record time....
  • 1) Stop by your local asian food market and get several packages of salted dried plums. There are different types, so try to find one that is both sweet and sour.

    2) Swing by the liquor store on the way back, it's probably near the asian food market. Pick up a bottle of tequila.

    3) At home, take three shots of tequila from the new bottle of liquor.

    4) Stuff as many pickled plums as possible into the tequila bottle.

    5) Put in the freezer for at least 3 hours or until pickled plums imbue their color to the
  • Finally! (Score:2, Interesting)

    Finally, a practical use for science!

    Pour me up a frosty, cold glass of technology, barkeep.
  • by dnotj ( 633262 )
    It's not very often that I come along something that makes me thankful for not being able to drink. But Skittlebrau is one of them...

    For the curious (or morbid) is why I can't drink.
  • thats not it... (Score:5, Interesting)

    by RTPMatt ( 468649 ) on Wednesday October 15, 2003 @12:45AM (#7216500) Homepage
    "The sugar cuts the bitter beer taste and and leaves you with a mellow sweetness that isn't bad drinking.

    While i wont dissagree with these findings, its been my personal expirence that sour skittles do a far better job of cutting that beer flavor...of course for those of us that acutally LIKE beer, this is completely unnecessary.

    • I once mixed a bag of skittles with a beer at a party (towards the end of the party, if you get my meaning)... The results were not good. It got all cloudy, and tasted something like bile. If anything, it became more bitter.

      Might be better results with mixed drinks, I don't know.

  • haha looks like there were too many skittles in their server!

  • by Anonymous Coward
    'The Text'(tm) before the site gets /.ed
    "Now with 100% less images"

    As with most crazy ideas, the Simpsons thought of it first:

    Homer: "I'm feelin' low, Apu. You got any of that beer that has candy floating in it, you know, Skittlebrau?"

    Apu: "Such a product does not exist, sir! You must have dreamed it."

    Homer: "Oh. Well then just gimme a six-pack and a couple of bags of Skittles."

    And so with that, the Skittlebrau project was born. My years of drinking training had led up to this moment, the
  • I want me a Lawnmower!

    Homer's Lawn Mower

    2oz. vodka
    1 bunch wheatgrass
    place wheatgrass in a juicer to yield 6oz.
    mix wheatgrass juice with 2oz. vodka
    makes 1 8oz. serving

  • by Bifurcati ( 699683 ) on Wednesday October 15, 2003 @12:50AM (#7216521) Homepage
    It would be interesting to try the beers out with just single colours (or controlled combinations) of skittles, and see how that varies the taste. I half suspect, though, that it would be difficult to determine the difference with your eyes closed (it's actually somtimes tricky to tell the difference between, say, lemon squash and orange soda. Even stranger is that if if you use food colouring to make lemonade green and lemon squash orange, then (with your eyes open!) many people think they taste like lime and orange respectively.) I wonder if this could be adapted to other drinks, and other lollies? You'd probably need a fizzy drink, but what about barley sugar or boiled lollies in beer? What about an orange Chuppa-chup, vodka and lemonade cocktail? Yum yum! Later! Bifurcati
  • by account_deleted ( 4530225 ) on Wednesday October 15, 2003 @12:51AM (#7216523)
    Comment removed based on user account deletion
  • scooped (Score:2, Insightful)

    by ejeetify ( 668972 )
    One of the clubs at my university beat this guy by a year. I remember them having a special Skittlebrau night about a year and a week ago.
  • "Slow News Day"

    Can we all say that kids!?
  • What's next? Nuts & Gum? (Together at last!)

    Maple syrup soda perhaps? (I actually had this idea years before The Simpsons did it, so they stole it from me. :P)

  • by Schezar ( 249629 ) on Wednesday October 15, 2003 @12:59AM (#7216547) Homepage Journal
    I never even considered that Skittlebrau was actually anything... real? That is, until I read CS Forester's "Horatio Hornblower" series. Nauticle pulp fiction of the worst (best) sort.

    Anyway, in one scene Horatio mentions that "life is not always beer and skittles." Now, these are old books, so the reference is, well, old.

    Does anyone know the actual, non-Horatio reference?
    • by Anonymous Coward
      Yes. Skittles is an old English game not unlike bowling. It's played on a lawn, on a sleepy afternoon with nothing better to do. Aside from drinking beer. Think upper-class English rednecks.

    • Skittles, it is an old game that is quite a bit like bowling. You roll a ball at some pins, and try and knock them down. I suspect that hornblower (now thats a porn name!) was talking about drinking beer and playing.
    • by zimage ( 6623 ) on Wednesday October 15, 2003 @01:59AM (#7216807) Homepage

      Life is not all beer and skittles, i.e. not all eating, drinking, and play; not all pleasure; not all harmony and love.

      "Sport like life, and life like sport,
      Isn't all skittles and beer."

      As others have said, "skittles" is an old game similar to lawn-bowling

      Mat Groening, in his genious, took this expression and showed what happens when Homer takes it literaly.
    • Speaking of Hornblower, the Poms made an excellent TV series about him. Highly recommended viewing!

      I didn't know it was fiction - I was under the impression he was a historical figure (that probably shows my ignorance of history and/or failure to pay attention to the credits.) If books are always better than the screenplay then I'm probably in for a real treat when I get around to reading them!

  • I'm underaged, so I used the next best thing. Best way to describe it: A gut bomb of sugar.
  • Google Cache (Score:3, Informative)

    by Lord_Dweomer ( 648696 ) on Wednesday October 15, 2003 @01:05AM (#7216565) Homepage
    Here's the Google cache []

  • Use Everclear and Skittles. Course be very carefull since everclear is Grain alchol.
    • Actually, all drinkable alchohol is grain alcohol. Every hear of barley?
      • After googling everclear... it turns out that what the original poster meant exactly what he said: everclear *is* grain alcohol. 95% anyway :)
  • Gummi Beers (Score:3, Insightful)

    by SolubleFrank ( 637562 ) on Wednesday October 15, 2003 @01:06AM (#7216569)

    Put gummi bears in alcohol (vodka apparently works best).
    Over a few hours, they will soak up the alcohol and grow about twice their size.
  • by TimeForGuinness ( 701731 ) on Wednesday October 15, 2003 @01:07AM (#7216575) Journal
    I hope its the Flaming Homer
  • I've done this... (Score:4, Interesting)

    by xRizen ( 319121 ) on Wednesday October 15, 2003 @01:16AM (#7216618)
    But not with beer. It actually goes really well with
    Smirnoff Ice. Does that color fizzy thing. You also get the white pebbles. They aren't crunchy though. Just really, really non-chewy. Hard. Me and my buddies used to get a six-pack (or a case, in some cases) and a bag of skittles, then pick our color.
    • Zima. It goes best with zima, Back when i was still in school this was a weekly occurance.

      Oh how i miss the days of younger years.
    • Wow, didn't realize so many ladies trolled slashdot!
  • And in other news... on this day in 1974, man with chocolate bar runs into man with bottle of peanut butter. A new taste sensation is born.
  • How many people here have drank Sprite Remix? It IS liquid skittles.
  • This seems somewhat like a dupe. This topic was discussed indepthly on the made up drinks poll.

    With pictures of a variety of skittlebrau drinks.
  • Actually, this might not be too bad if you tried mixing some Gin, ginger-ale, and skittles or perhaps something not too sweet. Currently, I find Gin and Ginger ale somewhat unpleasant tasting. However if you add a little fruit syrop (natural is best, go for blackberry) to flavour it, you suddenly have a very nice drink.

    Not sure if the same would apply to skittles, but they seem similar in principle. Perhaps less syrop to offset the additional skittle sweetness? I think I'll give that a go this weekend :-)
  • NO NO NO! (Score:5, Funny)

    by azav ( 469988 ) on Wednesday October 15, 2003 @01:37AM (#7216720) Homepage Journal
    One must inject the brau into the skittle! First one must remove a small amount of skittle or inflate the hard candy shell. 5 seconds in a microwave will make it pliable.

    Then one must carefully inject 3 skittles witl alcohol untill failure is achieved.

    Failure = leakage.

    Heat a spoon or knife on the stove and inject skittles with less alcoholic vitriol. With a heat resistant glove, place the knife or spoon on the edge of the skittle where you removed the needle, thereby sealing the skittle.

    Repeat 10 times per guest. You can't eat just one.

  • On the same vein, I've found that chewing Winterfresh gum while drinking Coors Lite or similar beers is actually very pleasant. The bitter of the beer and the sweetness of the gum go well together, and the gum covers the bitter after-beer taste.
  • I'd rather alternate my cheap beers with skittles. drink. chew. drink more. Much more satisfying IMHO. Besides, how can you trust someone who thinks Coors Light is a decent light beer. That just makes me want to bang my head against the wall.

    A way better treat is a Guinness float. Ice cream in your beer kicks ass, try it with you favorite stout.

    Have fun,
  • a forty of old english. Try it. Nine out of ten punk rockers with cirrhosis of the liver swear by it.
  • A local brewer (Dominion Breweries) launched a range of fruit beers to attract women and young people to beer. At some of the launches at bars, they had cheap stuff, so a table of us bought a few bottles and tried it.

    It tasted like someone had put chuppa chupp lollipops into a blender and added some vodka (couldn't taste the alcohol, but it sure wasn't beer tasting) to bring it up to 5%. I couldn't bring myself to abuse my tastebuds (there was other beer on offer) and liver with the stuff, so left it a
  • I can't get to the article so Im guessing it has something to do with my favorite candy -- Skittles!

    Am I the only one that will take one of every color and put it in my 20oz bottle of Dew?

    Seriously, TRY THIS -- especially if you want to become diabetic!
  • Boy, does this guy have some learning to do when it comes to beer!
    In reference to Lowenbrau he states... 'I personally am not a big dark beer fan'
    If he think's Lowenbrau is a dark beer, god only knows what he would make of a decent bitter or a stout.
  • Looks like another major advance in the serious field of "What if I mix this with acohol?"

    I'm sure everyone, at least those that enjoy a brew or two, has performed experiments of this nature.

    My stomach churns just thinking of some of the concoctions tasted in the past, the most amazing would have to have been this mix that had a serious metalic grey tinge to it. Kinda like a bottle of mercury, but alcoholic. Toxicity levels are yet to be determined due to an inability to reproduce said drink.

    Sticking a l
  • There's supposed to be an umlaut (two dots) over the "a". OK, so Slashdot is broken and you can't use them, but there's still the alternate form:


    Don't forget - it doesn't rhyme with "brow". It's pronounced like "broy". If you're going to use foreign words, use them properly!

  • Take two boxes of blue vicks mints...
    Put in a vodka bottle and let the mints dissolve completely (they will...)
    Do not forget to put the bottle in the freezer... and you will get something really refreshing...
  • by 16K Ram Pack ( 690082 ) <tim.almond@gmail. c o m> on Wednesday October 15, 2003 @03:53AM (#7217239) Homepage
    I find the best thing is to pour it straight down the toilet and avoid the middle man.
    • by Penguinshit ( 591885 ) on Wednesday October 15, 2003 @04:41AM (#7217370) Homepage Journal

      I take umbrage to that statement. There is plenty of good American beer. It just happens to come from the Pacific Northwest.

      Take, for instance, Anchor Steam (brewed in San Francisco, CA). Or anything from the Mendocino Brewing Company a little further north (Red Tail, Blue Heron, etc.). If you like something with that full flavor and a little less body, try one of the fine Oregonian brews from Full Sail.

      Not all American beer is that Anheiser/Busch pisswater.

      Give me hops, or give me death..!

      • Apologies for the generalisation...

        I just thought that saying "except Anchor Steam and a few others" would deaden the impact.

        I have tried Anchor Steam which is quite easily available in the UK and very good. I haven't seen any others though.

        In fact, most beer sold in the UK is garbage - quality European lager names used to sell piss. Although finding good beer is not at all difficult because of the huge number of breweries here.

      • Iron City is supposed to be pretty good (I've never had it).

        I've had good brew in Rochester, MN.

        Carolina Pale Ale is my current fav, it's made right down the road a ways.

        I doubt any beer snob in America has to go very far to find a good microbrew. As for the mainstream "beers", well... this IS the land of iced tea.

        • Iron City is supposed to be pretty good (I've never had it).

          Dear god, what did you DO to someone that made them tell you Iron City is good? Iron City beer could be described charitably as an "acquired taste". In other words, it takes many years of drinking 12 packs and freezing your ass off at "Stillas" (Steelers) football games to finally (and perversely) get your brain to think of Iron City beer as a "good thing". It's in the same class as Budweiser, Old Milwaukee, and Pabst Blue Ribbon. The only thing

      • Sorry your are mistaken. American beer is an oxymoron.

        However, there is plenty of good NORTH American beer, being that which is brewed in Canada.

        Just fuckin give'r

        Turn up the good, turn down the suck
      • I agree, but you've left out some great beers that don't come from the northeast. Celis (from Austin), Mendocino Black Hawk Stout, Rogue Shakespeare Stout (both from CA). Kudos to the NE though... there are tons of great beers from that area.
      • Re:For American Beer (Score:3, Informative)

        by Pfhor ( 40220 )
        New Belguim Brewery...

        Spent my 21st birthday there, got loaded, got free stuff. Best birthday ever.
      • It's in the Northeast. Maybe you've heard of it.

        If you haven't, I hereby offer you an opportunity to gracefully stand down your exclusive claim on regional beer quality and save some face.

        There are some fine brews made in the Pacific Northwest, but to propose that beer of equal or greater quality doesn't exist elsewhere in the USA is simply ignorant.
  • Haribo Vodka (Score:2, Interesting)

    by p.gogarty ( 684488 )
    A friend of mine recently experimented with haribo and vodka.

    Place 1 bag of Haribo cola bottles* in 70cl of vodka and leave in the fridge for 3-4 weeks.

    The result is a pleasant sweet tasting liquid that makes it really hard to walk the 200 yards to my house.

    If you are unfamiliar with Haribo any gelatinous cola flavoured sweet\candy will do fine.
  • Lowenbrau? "Dark Beer"? Surely some mistake.

    It's not exactly Guinness. It's probably lighter than a decent pale ale.
  • I am surprised he did not try the American favorite watered down beer. Skittles and budweiser....well at least there would be SOME taste!

    You know what they say about having sex in a canoe and Budweiser.....
  • Newsworthy (Score:2, Insightful)

    by borud ( 127730 )
    Michael, why not devote your time to maintaining a personal blog instead of this slashdot nonsense. I would hate to think that Slashdot was taking time out of your mission to inform the masses of all the worthwhile news that is out there on the web. This is obviously much more important than the chinese putting a man into orbit.
  • I actually had some last night. The guy put two lemon skittles in each bottle during the bottling process. The remaining yeast in the bottle eats all the skittle so there are no pieces left.

    It really is quite tasty. But it's not much different than any other type of flavored beer, it just uses skittles instead of rasberry juice or something like that.

    Gotta love the name though.
  • ...the Official Skittles Vodka website []!

    That stuff is baaaaaaad.


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